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DatePoster/Guest Message
2024-07-02 20:26:24 trailing wifeRantburg is definitely down — both and the backstage moderator’s access. I assume Fred and badanov are doing some serious playing under the hood — badanov has a list of things that need doing for the next stage of things. Bless them both for being clever about it so that I don’t have to learn!
2024-07-02 20:09:24 trailing wifeRantburg is definitely down — both and the backstage moderator’s access. I assume Fred and badanov are doing some serious playing under the hood — badanov has a list of things that need doing for the next stage of things. Bless them both for being clever about it so that I don’t have to learn!
2024-07-02 19:09:11 NN2N1RB down.... but Wheelus is back up to report it.
2024-07-02 16:37:26 BrerrabbitIs rantburg down?
2024-04-29 14:59:24 badanovRantburg is down. Alert sent.
2024-04-08 06:10:49 VisitorDown again.
2024-04-04 17:22:41 DaleDown again. (grampaw) Firefox said to go back. Security risk.
2024-04-04 16:35:51 badanov\'Burg is back up.
2024-04-04 15:25:53 badanov\'Burg is down. Dunno why. Fred is logged in, so I have zero clue what he is doing. If no word, or if the \'Burg isn\'t up, then I will try to restart.
2024-04-02 12:24:54 trailing wifeWe were all having fits, newc. I had an ever-lengthening page of links in desperate need of posting for the delectation of Rantburg’s kindred spirits. Fred worked steadily for four days without sleeping to resurrect the Burg, including half a million article and a million (!!!) comments.
2024-04-02 02:09:44 Newcthis is not working
2024-03-30 02:20:34 NewcThank you Kindly, Dear. I am sure he is busy and like an addict, the page not found put me in fits.
2024-03-29 08:00:51 trailing is now up and Fred has started publishing articles. Welcome home!
2024-03-29 08:00:09 trailing wife<3
2024-03-29 00:14:35 SCFIWave hands overhead "Me here too!"
2024-03-29 00:06:34 VisitorFrank G
2024-03-28 21:24:55 Visitorhere be 3dc
2024-03-28 21:24:22 Visitorhere
2024-03-28 21:13:07 trailing wifeNewc dear, if he hasn’t followed up from here, send him that email requesting an invitation to the Rantburg Discord page at grurkka at gmail dot com You know how computer people can be when they get busy. ;-)
2024-03-27 23:56:23 NewcYou need to get me, closedanger on that discord channel.
2024-03-27 22:46:54 NewcYou need to get me, closedanger on that discord channel.
2024-03-27 22:35:15 badanovGood news is that the server is live. But the web server is not ready, yet.
2024-03-27 22:20:57 badanovYou should email me at grurkka at gmail dot com for an invite link to join the server
2024-03-27 22:18:56 badanovFrom what I gathered, Fred broke something on his Linux server so severely he was forced to reinstalll the operating system.
2024-03-27 22:01:16 NewcYou need to get me, closedanger on that discord channel.
2024-03-27 21:23:33 NewcDid we send too much views? What happen :)
2024-03-27 21:20:54 badanovgrurkka at gmail dot com is my mail to request an invite for a Rantburg,com discord page.
2024-03-27 16:36:28 DalePappy and AP back in time. Time flies.
2024-03-27 16:16:45 VisitorIs Rantburg still down? All we see is blank webpage.
2024-03-27 11:42:34 DaleMy My My. Woe, is me.
2024-03-27 06:16:04 A frequent visitor Fred, I know you have your hands full right now. But, I just wanted to Thank-you for your constant efforts in keeping Rantburg running. I can only imagine the issues you deal with daily, given the site is likely a major target for the left.
2024-03-27 05:13:52 badanovServer is down until Fred can fix the server. Backup server is up.
2024-03-25 23:06:47 trailing wifeSafari can’t connect to the Rantburg server. And me in the midst of prepping articles for publishing! (I finished Caucasus and had just started Israel)
2024-03-21 12:51:31 badanovMessage sent to restart. Now, we wait.
2024-03-21 11:57:37 Dale1PM Checking in and unable to connect. Withdrawals shortly.
2024-03-21 11:19:02 trailing wifeRantburg appears to be down since 11:00 a.m. ET.
2024-01-16 20:08:22 VisitorzkXU\'CvRdLw<\'">kgoHDi
2024-01-16 20:08:14 VisitorzkXU((".(((\',.
2024-01-16 20:08:03 Visitor'Okefig<'">xBcJFgzkXU
2024-01-16 20:07:55 Visitor'Okefig<'">xBcJFgzkXU
2024-01-16 20:07:42 Visitor'Okefig<'">xBcJFgzkXU
2024-01-16 20:07:35 Visitor(,).('",,)zkXU
2024-01-16 20:07:26 VisitorzkXU
2024-01-16 20:07:18 VisitorzkXU
2023-10-26 17:44:23 badanovAt the moment. I\'ve contacted the Pruitts and they are aware of the problem.
2023-10-26 16:48:56 Visitorrantburg DOA?
2023-09-01 07:35:46 badanovморская пехота
2023-06-16 09:30:11 NN2N1Have been doing some ITSEC things the last few weeks and only recently started RB posting again. But have noticed a few of the postings, with links to support the comments, but never get displayed on RB. Has the posting rules or process changed while I was out, or is this just the occasional fluke?
2023-05-03 12:15:06 Mullah RichardGood morning...
2022-11-29 06:35:19 VentGreetings! Pretty helpful information On this unique post! It’s the minimal alterations that will make the greatest variations. Quite a few many thanks for sharing!
2022-11-28 11:56:06 NoMoreBSCongrats on the 500k metric! Is the postal address for Fred still valid?
2022-11-28 00:34:19 VisitorWheelus AFB, my God. That\'s Libya!
2022-11-17 12:42:31 NoMoreBSJust passing through, all the best
2022-11-17 10:40:01 badanovThe server is in Euroland
2022-11-17 05:48:54 badanovThe server is in Euroland
2022-11-15 01:29:57 trailing wifeNever mind — suddenly I’m in again... and it looks like I was the only one with a problem.
2022-11-15 01:06:42 trailing wifeSomething is off on your time setting, badanov. In my world it is 8:00 p.m. ET on Monday 2022-11-14.
2022-11-15 00:59:14 trailing wifeRantburg doesn’t seem to be loading for me.
2022-11-10 10:17:20 badanovNo lo tenamos
2022-11-09 02:29:13 DarthVaderżDónde está el bańo? Mi perro gordo está en llamas.
2022-11-08 17:17:01 badanovHowdy
2022-10-03 10:11:51 badanovYes. I sent a second message asking for a response.
2022-10-03 07:26:16 Frank GBurg down?
2022-06-17 08:49:58 Dale8:45 Were back.
2022-06-17 08:29:48 DaleSite is down and backup. 8:25AM 6-17-22. O Club heads up was on the mark.
2022-05-20 07:40:26 Mullah RichardHmmmm.....
2022-04-29 18:53:03 DaleOops its back.
2022-04-29 18:51:44 DaleSeems burg is having problems. OK this morning but 6:45PM off even grandpaw.
2022-01-17 01:21:31 trailing wifeTesting. Rantburg has been popping up and down since shortly before midnight ET. That is, it’s been down at least twice, and reset at least once — my thanks for that!
2021-10-04 18:28:14 MattYou are diligent, tw!
2021-10-04 18:26:43 trailing wifeJust testing to make sure there are no issues at my end, in case the Facebook problem spreads.
2021-09-24 02:02:35 VisitorHi there, The Walking Unvaxed! Sorry. That article has been deleted. 00:55 The Walking Unvaxed 00:54 The Walking Unvaxed 00:48 badanov 00:46 Saltie Fork 00:40 The Walking Unvaxed 00:39 The Walking Unvaxed 00:32 Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 00:21 Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 00:10 The Walking Unvaxed Why?
2021-09-24 02:00:04 VisitorHi there, The Walking Unvaxed! Sorry. That article has been deleted. 00:55 The Walking Unvaxed 00:54 The Walking Unvaxed 00:48 badanov 00:46 Saltie Fork 00:40 The Walking Unvaxed 00:39 The Walking Unvaxed 00:32 Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 00:21 Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 00:10 The Walking Unvaxed Why?
2021-03-27 23:05:27 trailing wifeThe backup looks good thus far, badanov. The Burg is definitely down.
2021-03-27 21:39:34 trailing wifeThe backup looks good thus far, badanov. The Burg is definitely down.
2021-03-27 21:29:29 VisitorRantburg appears to be down again.
2021-03-26 02:25:38 badanovBe advised, a true mirror site for Rantburg is being prepared, but it is not yet ready. Something is up, but it isn\'t much. It is here:
2021-03-26 02:22:58 badanovThere goes my Friday
2021-03-26 02:22:00 badanovRantburg appears to be down again.
2021-02-26 22:10:23 VisitorTW, Deadeye Jaitling is a &*%$! jerk. Too bad there is no way to block certain posters.
2021-02-25 14:27:25 Frank GThanks for picking up the load while Fred was down, Bad
2021-02-09 14:28:41 swksvolFFThank you again everyone.
2021-02-09 12:57:32 trailing wifeHurray! What happened? Also beaucoup thanks to badanov and Besoeker, who who quickly out up enough articles to satisfy our need for real news.
2021-02-09 12:49:50 trailing wifeHurray! What happened? Also beaucoup thanks to badanov and Besoeker, who who quickly out up enough articles to satisfy our need for real news.
2021-02-09 11:52:52 badanovAaand we\'re back
2021-02-09 06:32:18 DaveSchucksie darn...2021 sure hasn\'t been good to the \'Burg site.
2021-02-08 19:47:43 DaleDeacon man Hey!. It was some time ago.I dropped out of social media for a bit. I have contact with some interesting people. I am saying just sit back and wait till March 1st. One can only hope sanity will return. DC is now a zombie zone. Seven sickened after vaccine booster in one medical office. Number two heart surgeon in country put in quarantine after first dose. He is back on the job now. So many out working the covid sickout that back orders and delays effecting it seems all industries.
2021-02-08 17:29:35 swksvolFFWow, they have some good ones. At the risk of drawing ire, I actually sputtered when I read the female ref headline.
2021-02-08 16:44:40 Mullah RichardThe Bee is right on that -
2021-02-08 16:30:23 swksvolFFCongrats to the KC Chiefs for scoring 24 points in overtime to win the game.
2021-02-08 15:29:06 SilentbrickI have quite a few sites but few are as cogent and full of world news, not just the US. And to be honest, it\'s 50% articles, 50% commentary, I can \'replace\' one but cannot replace the other:)
2021-02-08 14:01:53 trailing wife“Is it bad it feels like the universe goes dark when Rantburg is down?” That’s normal, Silentbrick.
2021-02-08 14:01:02 trailing wifeThe word from Gloria: “Internet is down. Comcast running a diagnostic now.” So now we know.
2021-02-08 14:00:07 trailing wifeTd#1 survived the experiment with the new sleeping med just fine. It didn’t kill her or make her too nauseous to eat, and she did sleep, so we’re already ahead of the last thing she tried, Visitor. The next step is to experiment with dosage to see if she can sleep better without causing a sleepiness hangover — the problem with being a slow metabolizer.
2021-02-08 13:25:31 Deacon BluesWhat executive order is tha Dale? I have no evidence but I believe Obama is pulling Biden\'s puppet strings. "I don\'t know what I\'m signing" Biden is just the figurehead.
2021-02-08 12:42:26 VisitorIt is bad SB. Would you like me to suggest a few sites to visit while you recover from your fix?
2021-02-08 12:31:23 SilentbrickIs it bad it feels like the universe goes dark when Rantburg is down?
2021-02-08 11:45:59 VisitorHow is Trailing daughter?
2021-02-08 11:19:45 trailing wifeRantburg was fine went I fell asleep for my morning nap, but I awoke to deprivation. :-( Oh well — I’ll just have to go through my usual sources first instead of afterward.
2021-02-08 11:06:29 badanovRantburg is down. Possible Fred is working on it. Possible.
2021-02-08 10:58:41 SilentbrickSeems to be, I can\'t get to it either.
2021-02-08 10:19:52 SilentbrickSeems to be, I can\'t get to it either.
2021-02-08 10:03:58 VisitorIs Rantburg down again?
2021-02-01 06:44:32 Dale2/01/2021 The day.
2021-02-01 06:43:00 Dale"Basically what this Executive Order says is that anyone involved in interfering in the 2020 election or supporting of the fraudulent elections either foreign or domestic, their property and assets will be frozen. This includes, main stream media, social media, and anyone else who was involved in helping to steal this election."
2021-01-31 16:10:10 DaleI am fishing.
2021-01-31 16:09:17 DaleI have heard it mentioned recently that Grant was placed as acting president by our military after Lincoln\'s assassination. So he was 18th, what that was called I don\'t know. Then on March 1st Trump will be 19th with similar title. So all Biden\'s theatrics have been show. They say he isn\'t even in the White house. All staged as Hollywood. Thoughts?
2021-01-25 11:22:22 VisitorThanks for helping Fred out. Best of luck.
2021-01-24 12:00:10 badanovI have been associated with Rantburg as a mod/technical help help since ~ 2005. I wrote ( and still write) several stories from Rantburg\'s Mexican and Russia/Ukrainian civil war desk since 2010. As TW pointed, briefly I was a business news reporter in OKC until I was fired. Since then, I have been working in a machine shop, because, for some reason, I could get work in the industry.
I sometimes quip I work for someone, and it\'s good. Hours are short, I get most weekends off, but the fucker doesn\'t pay for shit.
2021-01-24 10:37:38 Visitorbadanov, what media are you associated with, if any?
2021-01-23 22:05:12 Frank GThanks to Fred, Gloria and all
2021-01-23 21:59:38 DaveThank you, Trailing Wife. And, always glad to have good help!
2021-01-23 21:13:20 trailing wifeDave, badanov has been on inactive status in recent years, as his personal life required more time, though he has poked his head in from time to time.
2021-01-23 20:02:46 SilentbrickHooray!
2021-01-23 19:45:27 Davebadanov, I always thought you were a moderator as you are in the list of mods on the Homepage.
2021-01-23 16:22:15 badanovWelcome. I have moderator status now, so I will be helping out a bit.
Until Fred gives me a passwd, I can\'t do any backend stuff
2021-01-23 15:40:43 trailing wifeRantburg is up and the articles in the hopper, originally intended for January 4th, are now published, so that there is someplace to attach comments. badanov, once again my heartfelt thanks for providing this space for us to gather during the interregnum.
2021-01-23 15:23:07 swksvolFFYuenglings on me all around for those here, and those we miss.
2021-01-23 15:09:55 badanovI can\'t get in coz Fred hasn\'t given me a passwd
2021-01-23 15:05:44 badanovRantburg is up. TW knows
2021-01-23 00:37:11 VisitorI hear Signal is pretty good, too, for secure texts and videos.
2021-01-22 20:53:57 VisitorReport a goose today! A comrade in a conk declared, "I heard it say, out loud, quite clearly, "Honk!"
2021-01-22 20:49:50 VisitorAwesome, Visitor. Incessant, their whistles of hate! At four before six: "Coffee?" "Great!" A greeting at nine, ten, or noon was a sign. When two vans honked as one, \'twasn\'t fate.
2021-01-22 16:38:45 VisitorThis week, what did [Andrew Torba] do? ---switched my gmail address to protonmail ---cut off my $2500/mo click ad campaign from Google ---got a Bitcoin wallet for the first time ---me and my buddies got Telegram on our phones ---sent a check to Gab for GabPro and also sent a donation ---switched from Fox to Newsmax for my morning news fix ---stopped buying business supplies from Amazon. Informed the front desk to no longer buy from Amazon. That\'s at least 50 grand a year right there. ---switching to Dissenter and DuckDuckGo and Rumble
2021-01-22 16:34:36 swksvolFFQuestion: say the shampeachment goes forward, and is "recognized as a legal action": if Trump is called as a witness, would he be "legally" required to personally show? That is, must attend instead of remote testimony?
2021-01-22 16:23:41 swksvolFFJoe Biden and I have something in common: neither of us knows what he just signed.
2021-01-22 14:21:25 VisitorGot one better for you Visitor: Damn Republicans have a riot and forget to take the widescreen TVs.
2021-01-22 12:13:48 swksvolFFI guess, coming from my Bidoneers, the grimace dress and pearl necklace worn by Harris was a nod to a Simpsons episode where Lisa had become the first female president and was drawn with that outfit - they can\'t decide if the reference is stunning and brave, or brave and stunning. What a clown show.
2021-01-22 00:57:38 VisitorNo magazine: "Minor correction: Protesting that honest election, those terrorist Huns done forgot to bring guns, so their fun was an un-insurrection."
2021-01-21 19:16:24 swksvolFFUncle Joey was at his best when responding to the questions. Confident and clear in his verbal assault against the questioner; both the \'press\' and Uncle Joey were bundled off in opposite ways quite quickly; I wonder if Joey is starting to get the physical abuse stage.
2021-01-21 18:40:16 newcI Pray he has recovered.
2021-01-21 17:49:30 swksvolFFWatched half speed Joe Headroom narrate an Obama style speech, then work the tiny desk like a drunk. Painful.
2021-01-21 15:21:03 Frank GGood news about the Fred man (as Shipman would say)
2021-01-21 14:58:04 seems to be down.
2021-01-21 14:23:24 trailing Snopes is on it. Headline and subheadline: Did Redirect to Official Website? The Joe Biden campaign has been at the center of redirected URL since the Democratic secured the presidential bid in 2020.
2021-01-21 14:03:34 DaleThe fat lady has not sung. Four years in the works. Military are the true power in DC. So far all Biden has done is Hollywood theater.Fences, Military all around. Marines in the tunnels under DC. Stay tuned as the show has just begun.
2021-01-21 13:46:26 Mullah RichardThat\'s excellent news! On another note, \'\', go ahead and open the link, or Google it.
2021-01-21 12:28:16 BobbyGreat news, indeed!
2021-01-21 10:47:03 swksvolFFGreat news TW.
2021-01-21 10:35:28 trailing wifeMessage from Gloria: Fred is doing his rehab like a trooper. :-)
2021-01-21 01:19:53 VisitorWell, if you insist... one more. Confucius say, "Oracle bone know future of tail-draggin\' drone: When mandate of Harris withdrawn [cue Chuck Farris], like miracle, Joe flung from throne."
2021-01-21 01:11:45 VisitorA nation is waiting, impatient, to learn his identity! Asian who photobooms president: First dual citizen Chinese-American agent?
2021-01-21 01:07:14 Visitor_Chick, Black Asian Sex Worker, ["yaaay!"] Ticks Boxes Galore! A Great Day!_ One critic, dysphoric, implores, "Moar historic! Yo, stick on a ---- and go gay!"
2021-01-21 00:24:07 DaveWhence did Joe steal that line?
2021-01-20 19:53:33 Bobby“We must end this uncivil war, that pits red against blue, rural vs. urban, conservative vs. liberal,” Biden said. “We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts.” Lead by example, Joe.
2021-01-20 19:14:40 DaveIt IS hopeless.
2021-01-20 16:05:39 swksvolFFMaking Tranny DeVito a bigwig in health services was a nice touch.
2021-01-20 15:44:21 swksvolFFAlong those jokes around the campfire, some serious discussion, specifically how to operate a business during hyperinflation? How did they operate during the Weimer Republic was a path, which one wag responded \'they started making Mark 1 Panthers.\' The best answer probably study small lumber yards in California which existed 20 years ago and are still open; figure their pricing model.
2021-01-20 13:28:22 swksvolFF200k Guangdong flags; needed some fireworks making sky footprints to The White House. I\'d think they would rather not do the 25th route basically stating the greatest political campaigner evah really is a loon. Then again, the Biden Camp accrues power and money the longer they are in, and the California Camp may get itchy.
2021-01-20 12:32:05 swksvolFFYou mean the Village People wasn\'t spontaneous? One my favorites is Cowboy, with his brand new Aussie Style duster, new \'cowboy\' hat, new wire gloves, and pasty tiny wrists. I would pay cash money to watch him walk into an Ag-Land beer joint dressed like that.
2021-01-20 11:23:16 BobbyThe National Pulse has archived a WaPo article explaining that the Capitol attack was planned in advance. I trust the U.S. House will cancel their impeachment and issue an apology.
2021-01-20 08:30:10 DaleHello all. I believe Biden will be taken out by the 25th article deal they wanted to try on Trump. Harris and close behind Rice move up. The left play their games poorly. Downhill for sure now. They will cause so much inflation. Drunk with opportunity to spend, spend. All for naught.
2021-01-20 00:38:56 BobbyFeels hopeless, don\'t it?
2021-01-19 19:38:37 swksvolFFI also remember they had initiatives lined up like planes into O\'Hare when Obama walked in, and now it feels triple stacked. Especially when they are already talking about a new endless war. Against Americans.
2021-01-19 19:29:32 swksvolFFI hope so, and pray that I continue to be wrong. Carlson monologue is on. Summed up why I always felt like I was looking at hostages when viewing pics of DC troops.
2021-01-19 18:52:20 trailing wifeWoT: Free Beacon: State Department Cuts Ties With Islamic Charity Over Anti-Semitism [Islamic Relief Worldwide]?
2021-01-19 18:13:20 Visitorswk, It will be like this weekend, a yawn.
2021-01-19 16:37:07 swksvolFFInteresting to watch \'we need troops in DC to protect The Capital\' to \'Trumps DC army is staging an assassination coup\' overnight. Lots of ingredients being thrown into the crock pot, the heat keeps getting turned up, and it doesn\'t smell good.
2021-01-19 08:49:56 VisitorTucker Carlson had a great opening monologue last night. Headlined on Rantingly this morning.
2021-01-18 15:19:54 cut and paste url
2021-01-18 09:58:39 SCFIProblem with Epoch Times is they require an email address to read their articles. I refuse to give my email address to news sites for obvious reasons. Likewise those with paywalls.
2021-01-17 20:31:52 trailing wifeEpoch Times: Parler’s Website Back Online With a Message From Its CEO
2021-01-17 17:22:15 trailing wifeDave D was the first goldenrod moderator, a task he accomplished in between designing things — I believe for the International Space Station, among other no doubt interesting work sites. One of Rantburg’s many brilliant engineers, he applied his analytical mind well beyond the problems he was paid to solve. One of my personal saved Rantburg links is the discussion in which he first roughed out his thoughts about America’s options in dealing with the jihadi problem. When Rantburg comes back, it can be seen here: I felt privileged to subsequently find the edited version on his website — back when it still existed — and happened to print out a hard copy, which I came across and sent to him this summer, a small repayment for his many kindnesses over the years. I’m glad he had enough warning that he was able to move near one son and his family, spending his last months with those who loved him most.
2021-01-17 14:08:54 DaveDale - A card I sent to Ohio in early December only arrived Sat., the 16th of Jan. It was postmarked "Baltimore 5 DEC 2020" (and I mailed it before the 5th). Meanwhile, a box sent to me from Ohio in December took 28 days to arrive as it languished somewhere in Maryland. A story on Baltimore TV stated the USPS got rid of an entire shift at some distribution/processing center in Baltimore. Brilliant. Also some allegations of the delays being intentional as the USPS wants money from the Feds. We\'ll see.
2021-01-17 13:56:49 trailing wifeBe strong, Frank dear.
2021-01-17 13:44:54 Frank GI knew him from all the way back to Bill Quick\'s blog. Rob Crawford, too
2021-01-17 13:43:54 Frank GWell, shit. AP told me he wasn\'t doing well
2021-01-17 13:41:30 Deacon Blues Dave Dilatush, aka Auto Bartender. Passed away last night.
2021-01-17 13:28:52 trailing wifeBe strong, Frank dear.
2021-01-17 12:31:53 Frank GGood to hear Fred\'s on the mend. Any hint on if/when he can pushstart the Burg? I\'m getting the shakes....
2021-01-16 23:16:32 badanovYou know Nicholas II signed his abdication in pencil, rendering it illegal.
2021-01-16 22:52:13 trailing wifeAnd Putin has a better retirement plan, badanov. Update to the update below: Fred will be moving from the hospital to residential rehab in the coming days.
2021-01-16 21:44:50 badanovA Russian once commented that should Putin serve out his 4th term in 2024, he will have served as head of state longer than Tsar Nicholas II
2021-01-16 21:04:08 trailing wife*hug* Zenobia F. FRED HEALTH UPDATE: From Gloria two hours ago: “Fred is doing much better. He is going to rehab next week to help get his strength back.” Gloria says she also is recovering from her much less nasty Covid experience.
2021-01-16 20:51:37 trailing wife*hug* Zenobia F. FRED HEALTH UPDATE: From Gloria two hours ago: “Fred is doing much better. He is going to rehab next week to help get his strength back.” Gloria says she also is recovering from her much less nasty Covid experience.
2021-01-16 20:28:07 VisitorSh.t. Sorry, only had, like, a zillion examples of that to learn from... story of my life.
2021-01-16 20:25:23 VisitorNo newlines here, iirc, but lessee... From time\'s immemorial mist, A symbol co-opted and kissed By hundreds of millions of marching civilians... "Okay" sign, meet Left\'s lifted fist.
2021-01-16 20:21:06 VisitorNo newlines here, iirc, but lessee... From time\'s immemorial mist, A symbol co-opted and kissed By hundreds of millions of marching civilians... "Okay" sign, meet Left\'s lifted fist.
2021-01-16 20:16:07 VisitorWhich is to say... yeah, tw, that was me the other day. Been doing a big rolling msm catch-up and... I feel your pain. "Attempted coup" is about the _least_ annoying thing I\'ve red or herd lately.
2021-01-16 20:08:58 VisitorCan Rittenhouse turn round his life? Can he stop spreading panic and strife, goose-stepping in groups of supremacist troops, and, _especially_, beating his wife?
2021-01-16 18:20:36 BarbaraROFLMAO, SCFI!! (1/14/21) That was perfect - and much needed. :-D
2021-01-16 16:36:48 swksvolFFReminder for those who don\'t get to play hardball with Mother Nature: gas don\'t pump without internet.
2021-01-16 16:19:49 swksvolFFIt has been instructional watching my Biden people go from \'well he gave it a nice try\' to \'January was a Trump Coup or I will cancel you!\'. These are my peers, elders; casual true believers.
2021-01-16 15:51:26 Dale"NRA Filing For Bankruptcy, Moving From New York To Texas", Ruby Tuesday did the same because it was the only way to break NY hold on taxing them to death. 10,000 a month lease for one restaurant.
2021-01-16 14:38:24 DaleYes, TW AP has a full page add on attempted coup. In today\'s paper.
2021-01-16 14:36:41 DaleGet ready for big increases in fuel. I spoke to fuel dispatcher and he said with Biden it has already started. I believe it will be worse than double digit Carter years.
2021-01-16 12:23:45 Abu UluqueThe coup took place on November 3. But you\'d never know it from listening to ABCCBSNBCCNNMSLSD. From what I\'ve been hearing, one of Parler\\'s problems is that they were delisted from a DNS server. Hope that isn\\'t Rantburg\\'s problem but would put nothing past the kind of people who shut down Parler. Don\\'t know why they need an app on Play Store or Apple Store. With the right kind of web programming it could all be run on browsers from a web site.
2021-01-16 08:19:56 trailing wifeNBC News just now “January 6th attempted coup.” I am beyond furious.
2021-01-16 07:52:32 badanovNo it ain\'t. My donation to Trump was delayed for seven weeks. The slowdown is deliberate.
2021-01-16 04:39:32 DaleMail extremely slow in Maryland. Jam seems to be in Baltimore. Overwhelmed.
2021-01-15 18:15:12 trailing wifeThank you for being our interface with Instapundit, Frank G. I hope he is soon back to 100%. No new news on Fred. swksvolFF, I pray none of your bracket picks come true. I am not sanguine, though. Dale, I appreciate your reports from the real world. Cute, Seeking cure. Right now having this place is very probably saving my sanity — just knowing that some of us are reconnected. badanov, please let us know if we can help with expenses as we do for Fred. A reminder that ryuge and badanov remain active on Twitter — I once signed up, and I still get emails of tweets they think I’ll be interested in.
2021-01-15 17:33:23 Frank Gemailed Glenn at Instapundit, he had Covid as well recently
2021-01-15 16:25:28 swksvolFFI think I have my bracket filled: Sunday - scripted incident shock even on sportsball channels. Monday - Politician shock theater. Tuesday - Condemnation rollout, impeachment charges added and confirmed. Wednesday - emergency theater in Senate with conviction. Thursday - inauguration ball to confirm casual true believers. Friday - emergency executive order broadcast and initial action.
2021-01-15 14:47:35 DaleTW, I spoke to retired serviceman and he said key people will be armed but not all. State tried to force Vaccine on medical employees but with no FDA label no way.There will be consequences. Then you need to speak to our union representative. They don\'t have to take vaccine. Same with my Doctor. Hospital indicated there were too many unknowns. Most people do OK with first but second has caused many problems. In Norway I understand 39 have died after first injection. Being investigated now.
2021-01-15 09:14:35 Mullah RichardI\'m so stealing that, Seeking.
2021-01-14 17:40:20 SCFIGuess the formatting didn\'t keep, stole this from elsewhere. We needed a little humor!
2021-01-14 17:38:05 SCFIOn the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years." The dog said, "That\'s a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I\'ll give you back the other ten?" And God saw it was good. On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I\'ll give you a twenty-year life span." The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That\'s a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?" And God, again saw it was good. On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer\'s family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years." The cow said, "That\'s kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I\'ll give back the other forty?" And God agreed it was good. On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I\'ll give you twenty years." But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?" "Okay," said God, "You asked for it." So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone. Life has now been explained to you. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I\'m doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch...
2021-01-14 17:10:21 trailing wifeApril? That will require something drastic, Dale, surely. As for no ammunition for the National Guard troops. that’s at least as dangerous as issuing it to them.
2021-01-14 14:51:03 DaleThree items. 1) Trump will be President sometime in April. 2) Martins food stores video all vendors who enter store. They are required to sign an agreement that they can be fined $2500 dollars for first offense. Incorrectly worn as well.3)National Guard Troops in DC have weapons but no ammunition.
2021-01-14 02:16:12 trailing wifeAfter reading the whole thing: A useful after action report from a retired CIA operations officer, Visitor. Thank you. Very separately, OneIndia reports a 250km cross-border infiltration tunnel from Pakistan into Kashmir was discovered, the second such tunnel discovered in recent months.
2021-01-14 02:12:39 trailing wifeAfter reading the whole thing: A useful after action report from a retired CIA operations officer, Visitor. Thank you. Very separately, OneIndia reports a 250km cross-border infiltration tunnel from Pakistan into Kashmir was discovered, the second such tunnel discovered in recent months.
2021-01-14 02:10:53 trailing wifeYou commented about the Asians, too, Visitor — a fascinating detail.
2021-01-14 01:52:53 trailing wifeYou commented about the Asians, too, Visitor — a fascinating detail.
2021-01-13 23:55:29 VisitorSam Faddis, has written a opinion piece titled January 6th: Reality On The Mall. His description is similar to what I saw. He took the same routes as I. I was probably 15 minutes ahead of him.
2021-01-13 22:44:25 badanovGAB is working at the moment
2021-01-13 18:21:02 badanovYou mean calisthenics? Or just walking?
2021-01-13 12:51:17 Deacon BluesBadman, I have that, too. Excersizes help tremendously. Howdy Grunter!!
2021-01-13 10:44:26 Renegade Where’s Obama? Where’s Pelosi? Where’s Bill Gates? Pelosi - third day in a row she’s not in the chambers doing her job....wonder why
2021-01-13 00:17:34 trailing wifeFox News: Paypal says it blocked Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo: Digital payments processor confirms account closed for event organizer Ali Alexander, report says
2021-01-12 23:50:18 trailing wifeFox News: Paypal says it blocked Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo: Digital payments processor confirms account closed for event organizer Ali Alexander, report says
2021-01-12 23:49:40 trailing wifeI’ve heard that. Can anything be done, badanov? Separately, the marginalization of the Right proceeds apace. The Federalist reports that, the biggest gun forum in the world, was deplatformed yesterday without warning by web hosting company GoDaddy. Following the link in the tweet in the Federalist article leads to their backup page
2021-01-12 23:35:16 badanovDunno. I heard that chiropractic can help, which I will consider at a later date. But right now I\'ve gone from near constant pain to normal functioning in less than 10 hours and I feel much better.
2021-01-12 23:07:33 trailing wifeI’ve heard that. Can anything be done, badanov? Separately, the marginalization of the Right proceeds apace. The Federalist reports that, the biggest gun forum in the world, was deplatformed yesterday without warning by web hosting company GoDaddy. Following the link in the tweet in the Federalist article leads to their backup page
2021-01-12 21:08:46 badanovDegenerative disc disease. Comes with age.
2021-01-12 21:04:42 DaveI saw Sheldon Adelson passed away yesterday. What bugs me is that Bush Jr. can praise Mr. Adelson but at the same time criticize (in general) President Trump for doing the same thing: supporting Israel. Maybe I am too anti-Bush Clan, but Jr. needs to just be quiet.
2021-01-12 20:23:06 trailing wifeWhat caused the pain, badanov?
2021-01-12 17:27:54 badanovI went to the emergency room today. Severe back pain. I was prescribed a coupla pills and sent home. The good news is that I lost another 20 pounds since august, now down to 177.2
2021-01-12 17:07:58 trailing wifeGoing back to the War on Terror, this from the Times of Israel: Pompeo: Al-Qaeda has new home base in Iran, threatening region, Abraham Accords US secretary of state confirms report that terror group’s No. 2 was killed in Tehran last year, but doesn’t say whether Israel carried out hit The Jerusalem Post has a report on the subject that names several people other than those named by the Israel Times. The Hill also has a report. No doubt others do as well, but that’s as far as I’ve looked thus far. Barry O was a gold-plated fool.
2021-01-12 13:06:41 trailing wifeZenobia F, is that you? Or have we another who is as clever with words?
2021-01-11 23:51:54 VisitorBoss, cross, shocks docs!
2021-01-11 23:50:35 Visitor[gratefully tears up morbid four-syllable clerihew, ponders...]
2021-01-11 20:06:24 BarbaraHi, Grunter!
2021-01-11 18:55:21 GrunterHi from 7 plagues, Australia Just checking in.
2021-01-11 17:44:51 DaleAP howdy doody!!. Decon man just the beginning. Prices to the moon Alice!!. Going to be a replay of Carter inflation years.
2021-01-11 16:37:59 BobbyFred cranky? That DOES sound like good news!
2021-01-11 16:37:49 BobbyFred cranky? That DOES sound like good news!
2021-01-11 16:18:33 VisitorRussians and SA agreed to set price around $50/brl.
2021-01-11 16:15:51 VisitorRussians and SA agreed to set price around $50/brl.
2021-01-11 16:08:59 DaveDB, I thought I read that the Saudi cut production.
2021-01-11 15:33:08 Alaska PaulThank you for keeping the wheelus break room operating. You do yeoman duty. Give me a call on the cell when you can. Best regards, AP
2021-01-11 15:27:18 Alaska PaulThank you for keeping the wheelus break room operating. You do yeoman duty. Give me a call on the cell when you can. Best regards, AP
2021-01-11 14:58:37 Deacon Blues Not sure if this is related to anything but gasoline prices here have increased considerably in the last few days. Howdy to everybody
2021-01-11 14:07:30 DaleWorking with many of different backgrounds a pattern is developing. Seems all industries are having stock outs. A veterinarian said he can\'t get Insulin at this time. He owns a diary farm and the milk company he deals with is dumping the milk hence shortages. Perhaps a price increase of Insulin with Trump out.
2021-01-11 12:10:34 trailing wifeThe interview:
2021-01-11 11:54:08 trailing wifeEpoch Times has an interview with Michael Yon about the January 6 rally and Antifa agents provocateur — behind the subscription wall. Key quotes: “But then I saw people directing traffic,” he recounted. “â€Follow me, we’re going this way, we’re going to take our house back,’ that sort of thing.” Yon saw a lot of people, some with megaphones, encouraging the crowds to move forward. He said that some of these people directing traffic were likely to have been agent provocateurs, explaining that it’s an old technique. “Basically, you can take somebody else’s crowd and make it do what you want it to do. Or you can take your own crowd and make it do what you want it to do,” he explained. Andy Ngo is standing by his position that he saw no Antifa there.
2021-01-11 11:31:14 BobbyFred cranky? That DOES sound like good news!
2021-01-11 11:20:52 Whiskey MikeGood news about Fred, sorry to hear about AP.
2021-01-11 11:06:39 swksvolFFGreat news TW. Sorry to hear about Alaska Paul.
2021-01-11 10:11:15 BarbaraRE: tw\'s 1/11/21, 01:14:17 post: Wonderful! Thnx for the info, tw. :-D
2021-01-11 06:25:43 Dale "Military Convoy filmed at a Texas truck stop last night. This is not a drill and this is not a joke". FB blocks of course. Armed. Remember I got booted when I reported ATF convoy. I mean pleasure craft.
2021-01-11 06:21:19 DaleTKY TW Clothub works great.
2021-01-10 22:27:32 AckoopmedIn these trying times life w/o the â€Burg would be inconceivable. TW et al. heart felt thx for keeping this alt path going.
2021-01-10 19:14:20 trailing wifeWe are, too, Visitor. The current round started on January 4th, so scroll down to catch up. :-) And spread the word where you can, as there is no central mailing list.
2021-01-10 19:14:01 badanovHola
2021-01-10 18:53:10 BarbaraFinally figured out how to get here (I hope). Now I have to remember to click here instead of Rantburg. Hi, guyz.
2021-01-10 17:41:32 Mrs Rabbit has been following this dude a long time and sez hes been consistent
2021-01-10 16:47:58 VisitorSo glad I finally found you!
2021-01-10 15:27:42
2021-01-10 15:07:45 DaveThis Lt Gen (Ret.). I mean, really, SF took Stretch\'s laptop? So, she just has her laptop lying around. And if so, it\'s not going to matter. I mean, look at Hunter Biden and papa-san.
2021-01-10 14:40:56 trailing wifeIck. Citizen Free Press: Lincoln Project founder accused of offering jobs to young men in exchange for sex. That’s John Weaver, whoever he is.
2021-01-10 14:34:46 BrerRabbitif youhave apple phone one of trumps lawyers Lin Wood is recommending to turnoff auto updates. sez itll disable the emergency broadcast system
2021-01-10 14:34:11 very interesting if true
2021-01-10 13:29:23 trailing wifeWouldn’t using Special Forces be a posse comitatus issue? Ditto for the similar rumour claiming the Antifa group that led the invasion of the Capitol building included a Marine sent to infiltrate them.
2021-01-10 11:15:09 badanovMcInerney prolly meant contractors.
2021-01-10 09:51:07 BrerRabbit4 min youtube...Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Special Forces Took Nancy Pelosi Laptop Wednesday, Says She\'s
2021-01-09 23:58:54 trailing wifeFinally, Parler CEO John Matze just announced they will be down for up to a week while they complete the transfer from Amazon, which announced they will cease hosting Parler as of Sunday night 1/10/2021, following banishment from Google and Apple app stores. I’m thinking of it as capitalism in action. Doing my bit for the cause, today I added to my collection.
2021-01-09 23:38:17 trailing wifeAlso, Abu Bakar Bashir, 82, leader of Al Q-linked Indonesian group Jemaah Islamiya has been released after serving 10 years of a 15 year sentence for the 2002 Bali suicide bombings that killed 202. While in prison he transferred his personal allegiance to ISIS; JI did not agree to the change.
2021-01-09 23:28:14 trailing wifeInternational news, such as it is: The usual in Afghanistan; Pakistan has been enjoying a national power blackout since the Guddu power plant developed a fault which did something to the high transmission lines at 11:41 p.m. local time, while 112 people have now been arrested for the attack on the Hindu shrine, most recently a maulana; the Jerusalem Post is indignant that Twitter has no problem with Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, despite banning Pres. Trump; Boko Haram kill at least 13 in Cameroon in a combo shooter and jacket wallah attack; big kaboom in Aden, Yemen near the prison; correction: Twitter deleted Khamenei’s anti-vaccine tweet, while leaving all the “Kill the Jews” stuff in place; Indonesia has found the crashed Boeing 737 that disappeared after takeoff; newly elected Congresswoman Kat Cammack (R-FL) plans to put an Israeli flag with the American flag outside her office door so that “Squad” member Rashida Tlaib (D-Palestine) has to walk past it every day; Israel’s branch of Antifa, which has been demonstrating against Bibi Netanyahu for the better part of a year, has formed the “Democratic Party” (in honour of their American donors, no doubt) to run in the upcoming election; the US slapped sanctions on the head of Iraq’s Iranian catspaw Popular Mobilization Forces paramilitaries; another Israeli airstrike killed 3 in southern Syria Wednesday night; Tunisia has arrested an Al Q in N Africa emir plus henchmen; Azerbaijan denies Turkey is building them three air bases; and following the response to Antifa-led invasion of the Capitol building the other day, Project Veritas is being contacted by furious bureaucrats who want to leak. Whew!
2021-01-09 18:56:01 badanovIt\'s good to be seen.
2021-01-09 18:55:48 badanovBack atcha, Dale
2021-01-09 18:02:26 DaleThat was me. Good to see you Mr. B.
2021-01-09 18:00:50 VisitorTwo bus loads were escorted by state troopers directly to the center of activities. Pathway cleared for them. Trump supporters tried to block them. Soros said he had a surprise coming. My hope is trump declares martial law to protect himself and his family and loyal associates. Meanwhile Baltimore is a royal mess. No negative news is being reported. Buildings burned down murders and so on. This told to me by a State trooper who serves in Baltimore. I should say his brother relayed the information. Inner Harbor isn\'t even safe now. Good to see familiar peoples. Good to see Deacon man.
2021-01-09 17:47:17 BesoekerHello Deacon, TW, BrerRabbit, WM, Badanov, Mullah, Steve. I hope everyone had a nice holiday.
2021-01-09 16:15:18 Deacon Blues I wasn\'t sure this was still available. Lost it when my hard drive crashed a few years ago. I have a high school friend who was at the protest. She said the Capitol building was not broken in to. People were let in and greated like normal. She said there was a group of about 30 people who were well coordinated who caused all the trouble. Had to be ANTIFA. The other people who went into the building were respectful of the building and caused no damage.
2021-01-09 14:09:18 BrerRabbitWill do. I texted to Deacon Blues. Haven\'t got a response.
2021-01-09 13:49:05 trailing wifeGlad you found your way here, BrerRabbit! Share the site with Rantburgers you know privately, if you would be so kind.
2021-01-09 12:39:51 BrerRabbitHey all. I thought I remembered this place. Good to have found ya all again. Praying for Fred. I find it interesting that they\'re shutting down the sites before biden is sworn in. Like they have a fear. Also, all nancy has is impeachment like that will do anything...
2021-01-09 12:34:29 Whiskey MikeGoblins indeed.
2021-01-09 09:57:08 badanovBe advised. I gave money to the Trump camp, so I am a target now. If anyone chucks me overboard on socialist media, I will understand
2021-01-09 09:56:42 badanovBe advised. I gave money to the Trump camp, so I am a target now. If anyone chucks me overboard on socialist, I will understand
2021-01-09 09:28:51 badanovAlso be advised that should that happen, the IP address will work as well.
2021-01-09 09:28:17 badanovLooks like the goblins are going to fuck with the name service as well. Once Fred gets rantburg running, I will have an A record to point to it, such as
2021-01-08 22:25:30 trailing wifeThank you for your report from the front, Visitor.
2021-01-08 22:24:23 trailing and are documenting all the anti-Republican vileness, is as well. Fred has a MeWe account, as do I as Jenifer Sawicki, though I am not terribly active on social media at the moment.
2021-01-08 22:18:05 trailing wifeYou are generous, badanov. Fred definitely does not seem like he would be an asshole.
2021-01-08 21:19:33 badanovRemember also I have my own mail server, which means I have absolute control over emails to and from me. The rig is secure, so if you want to contact me securely: I won\'t post this on socialist media, only here.
2021-01-08 21:03:38 badanovSCFI: I think you are right with regard to dynamic IP, the obvious solution of which is to use a server such as DynDNS to resolve requests to the Rantburg server, which is likely what he did.
2021-01-08 21:01:11 badanovWhich means that Fred can continue to post articles, program what he wants and if the bad guys want to make a big deal out of the existence of Rantburg, they will have to deal with a much biggest asshole than Fred ever thought about being
2021-01-08 20:59:31 badanovI plan to ask Fred to move Rantburg to a dedicated server. The cost is smaller than you think, and such a move will take potential hardware problems and network problems out his hands, and directly into mine.
2021-01-08 20:33:27 Visitoron 1/6/21 I saw one confederate battle flag, 3x5. One old Alabama or Mississippi state flag. Not one time did I see a large battle flag as seen in many media sites. I was on site from 8:30-4:30. I tend to think that flag was photo shopped. I circled the entire capital prior to departure, saw no damaged doors. I saw no broken windows but I did see people carrying what may have been large sheets of bullet proof glass. I heard shouts of Antifa (12-4PM) and saw people chasing them but saw no actual members, I did see one 1/5/21 near the Capital.
2021-01-08 20:11:53 MattAlthough I confess to withdrawal pains, I think we can agree that Fred\'s health and Gloria\'s safety take precedence.
2021-01-04 21:36:41 VisitorChina bought a key in the Bahamas right next to where we test subs.
2021-01-04 20:53:03 badanovRefresh the page
2021-01-04 20:32:14 Frank Ghere
2021-01-04 20:27:00 badanovI am doing all I can to fix the situation. SO stand by.
2021-01-04 10:57:52 Mullah RichardBurg appears to be down and with Fred under the weather, it may be a while.
2020-12-09 16:01:36 VisitorThere we go Show Time!!. 3:30 12-9-20
2020-12-09 10:57:34 VisitorMy new idea"In my opinion China is distributing biological elements by way of their shipping containers to places they deem hostile to their world domination efforts. USA of course, Europe, India, and Australia most recently. India stood up to China and now has a serious mystery illness of about 200 people in hospitals in Southern India. Australia sided with India against China regarding China\'s claim to all if the Indian ocean. So now Australia has major new Covid worse than ours in Southern Australia so a lock down has been instituted there. Bio weapon easily transported in shipping. I\'d bet you they don\'t disinfect arriving ships and containers".
2020-12-07 07:44:37 VisitorTesting
2020-12-07 04:34:57 VisitorWoe is me. Burg is still down 12-7-20. Firefox has a warning when attempting to enter. 3:52 AM.
2020-11-05 12:32:23 Mullah RichardYup.
2020-11-05 10:07:34 Alaska PaulIs Burg down?
2020-11-05 08:34:21 Dale10/29/20 Down 7:45 AM.
2020-10-28 10:08:19 Alaska Paul Burg server is down.
2020-10-28 07:02:49 VisitorWeb site down
2020-05-09 18:05:54 newcthanks
2020-05-09 18:05:43 newcWhat happened?
2020-05-09 16:22:50 Mullah RichardLooks like a server error, newc
2020-05-09 16:12:24 newcWhat happened?
2020-01-13 13:13:35 Dale-massive-attack-from-riyadh/ conservative site.
2020-01-13 11:41:10 DaleReset home page and all is well.
2020-01-13 06:19:43 DaleIt seems others have got on like Skidmark.
2020-01-13 06:12:55 DaleGot to site by way of Archives. Hello Mr. B. 1-13-20 0529
2020-01-12 18:59:57 Besoeker18:59:03 wuz me.
2020-01-12 18:59:03 VisitorI can\'t get on either. Must have been something I ate.
2020-01-12 16:45:45 DaleI haven\'t seen badanov for quite awhile. Break time I guess.
2020-01-12 16:08:51 newcoh-noes
2020-01-12 15:19:05 VisitorO club same thing.
2020-01-12 15:16:43 Visitor1-12-20. Howdy. Site is acting up. Very unusual home page. I checked to show I was not a spammer but nothing happened. Very unusual host of information but nothing to offer in site navigation.1433 time.
2019-06-04 13:44:00 Visitor Hi there great website! Does running a blog such as this take a large amount of work? I\'ve absolutely no knowledge of programming however I was hoping to start my own blog in the near future. Anyhow, if you have any recommendations or techniques for new blog owners please share. I know this is off topic however I just wanted to ask. Many thanks!
2019-05-23 07:08:12 BergHello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at promoted as a resource on our blog ? We are updating our do-follow broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. If you may be interested in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know. Thanks, Aly
2019-04-30 11:04:44 CaruaruHello there, My name is Aly. Would you have any interest to have your website here at promoted as a resource on our blog ? We are in the currently updating our do-follow broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know. Thanks, Aly
2019-03-22 10:55:40 Visitor Hi there! This is kind of off topic but I need some guidance from an established blog. Is it hard to set up your own blog? I\'m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty quick. I\'m thinking about making my own but I\'m not sure where to begin. Do you have any points or suggestions? With thanks
2018-08-31 23:34:06 DaleMy mistake.
2018-08-30 19:19:24 DaleServer not found 8/30/18. Having trouble posting on Facebook also. Other sites OK.
2018-05-24 08:33:32 Mullah Richard\'Burg be slow or nonexistant this AM. DDOS?
2018-03-26 16:01:12 VisitorOne more thing. I really believe that there are a lot of travel insurance internet sites of respectable companies that allow you to enter your journey details and get you the rates. You can also purchase this international travel cover policy on the web by using your current credit card. All that you should do will be to enter all your travel particulars and you can begin to see the plans side-by-side. You only need to find the plan that suits your finances and needs then use your bank credit card to buy that. Travel insurance on the internet is a good way to check for a reputable company pertaining to international travel cover. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
2018-01-28 08:14:02 VisitorO club is out of service today at 7:47 Sunday 1-28-18
2017-12-09 10:57:53 DaleCough, cough, sputter, sputter cob webs a plenty here. A haunting I will go.
2017-10-01 16:32:37 DaleAdd lib time. Wife goes to Doctor and she goes home after her visit. Husband asks what happened?. He said I had acute angina. Well, what did he say about your big ass?. OH, he didn\'t ask about you. I did the same thing when the Doctor said I had acute Bronchitis. Hey, Doc I didn\'t think it was that pretty.
2017-04-09 10:28:26 Alaska PaulThe burg seems to be down.
2016-12-08 18:24:44 GlenmoreIs the \'burg down, or is it me?
2016-12-08 18:13:22 GlenmoreIs the \'burg down, or is it me?
2016-09-10 12:28:37 BesoekerTest msg.
2016-07-23 21:20:30 newcYou could open a couple of rooms on discord. That\'s more like a skype, but better. It\'s not an IRC.
2016-07-23 11:25:35 Thing From Snowy MountainAt the time I was thinking I was thinking of an IRC channel thingey for the \'burg. Something that would work like this place or the o-club, but where I could use a console interface or a phone to check. A way to repeat the \'burg to a more phone-friendly format would be nice too. Some sort of .rss feed. I\'m kind of drained at the moment though and don\'t want to think about it now.
2016-07-17 14:59:24 newcWhat are you wanting to do, Thing? There are lot\'s of free services.
2016-07-17 14:50:12 newcWhat are you wanting to do, Thing? There are lot\'s of free services.
2016-07-08 12:58:16 Thing From Snowy MountainAnyone know of a cheap "IRC Page For Hire" type service?
2016-07-08 08:23:54 badanovI can\'t access my rkka mail at the moment. Gmail does still work, however.
2016-07-07 23:40:54 walterCat 5 storm hit Taiwan - 897mb 150mph at landfall. Compare to Rita @895mb and Katrina @902mb
2016-07-07 22:48:25 badanovActive shooter in Dallas during a BLM rally. At least one kop and as many as four are down.
2016-07-07 22:47:43 waltera blank main page with no o-club - getting there!
2016-07-07 22:45:30 badanov\'Burg will be up at midnight.
2016-07-07 20:31:16 Thing From Snowy MountainNow with me and facebook it\'s less paranoia and more annoyance at the gaslighting and the goddamn fucking nazis.
2016-07-07 19:39:37 badanovThe server is up. The database isn\'t, so no site,yet.
2016-07-07 18:07:26 BarbaraIt thinks you\'re witty, so it reposts what you say, Walter. ;-)
2016-07-07 13:14:10 walterDon\'t know why this reposts each time I refresh.
2016-07-07 13:13:21 walterNoticed last night.
2016-07-07 12:01:10 BarbaraPoor Fred. He\'s a GOD! (I\'d better cough up some money to him come payday.)
2016-07-07 10:22:28 walterNoticed last night.
2016-07-07 08:19:03 walterNoticed last night.
2016-07-07 08:18:41 walterParanoia is good as Andy Grove was right. Noticed that Comcast DNS was getting slow ... like maybe they are recording every access to every site so I switched to one of Google\'s DNS\'s - 8 8 8 8.
2016-07-07 06:46:34 ShipmanYes thanks for the updates, I am to paranoid for FB.
2016-07-07 06:31:31 badanovThanks, TW
2016-07-07 01:20:47 trailing wifebadanov, I posted a brief note on the Rantburg Facbook page that Fred hopes to have the site up today.
2016-07-06 23:08:05 Thing From Snowy MountainThank you for keeping those of us not on facebook informed.
2016-07-06 19:41:39 badanovFred just posted.

It\'ll be tomorrow sometimes

2016-07-06 19:41:06 walterShipman - another option with or without RAID on linux is LVM - Logical Volume Mgmt. Its okay but you never really want the boot drive on it.
2016-07-06 18:40:50 badanovI made Fred an offer he\'ll prolly refuse that doesn\'t include a RAID setup. And to answer your question, I have zero idea. Linux offers physical as well as virtual raids.
2016-07-06 17:04:41 ShipmanFred has his reasons. But I will pitch in a bit more if he can set up a RAID # BadMan is setting up a RAID tricky with Linnux? All is good 0/Fred
2016-07-06 16:53:57 walter
2016-07-06 16:09:23
2016-07-06 14:29:46 walterOh and if Fred is viewing and wants the Canadian companies address I can look for it for him. I only paid $49 plus some Canadian customs fees.
2016-07-06 13:58:28 walterOh and if Fred is viewing and wants the Canadian companies address I can look for it for him. I only paid $49 plus some Canadian customs fees.
2016-07-06 13:55:51 walterBarbara - The easy fix would have been to take the last backup and put it on a new drive. Fred added a lot of complexity to the repair with a new computer and new operating system. There might be real good reasons for it but that\'s what it is. I had a similar problem a few years ago where a drive shorted out. The short took out the rest of the computer so backups didn\'t really accomplish much. I wanted the data on the drive and a company in canada had a solution. I sent them the shorted logic circuit on the drive and they sent me back a new one with control information copied from the dead board. I placed that on the drive, put the drive in another computer, took all the recent info off it an put the drive in a junk box. (can\'t trust it at that point) That still wouldn\'t help restore an install because the core computer was toast and new ones are different hardware.
2016-07-06 13:49:13 walterAnother question - have there been any terror or assassination attacks anywhere from a quadcopter drone - commercial or toy? Even a pointing laser on one? If not I wonder why?
2016-07-06 13:49:09 BarbaraPoor Fred. Whatever he\'s having to do to get Rantburg back up and running, he\'d not paid enough. :-(
2016-07-06 13:40:25 walterIf any of you are familiar with ITAR regulator\'s thought processes - I\'ve got a question: If extreme hi-res earth data is processed by a secure computer at a secure site but only low resolution data with hi-res insight was available to the customer would it violate ITAR. This is, in a sense, already done to provide ITAR acceptable images to customers from the high res satellite\'s data stream - just the analysis phase added. It\'s really a "How their minds work" question.
2016-07-06 13:15:40 badanovNo idea, Glen. I\'m as in the dark as you are.
2016-07-06 12:48:26 GlenmoreBoss is still having trouble getting the new system up and stable?
2016-07-06 08:49:53 Thing From Snowy MountainRussians? Minsk? This is how it feels to be American after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
2016-07-06 00:23:36 badanovHillary will be unstoppable now. Now you know how the Russians felt the moment the Germans closed the ring around Minsk, 75 years ago.
2016-07-05 22:41:35 badanovIt\'s early yet. It\'s a whole lot more likely about riots and civil disorder than civil war. It all hinges on how frisky Hillary\'s supporters get.
2016-07-05 22:15:35 DarthVaderIf Donald Trump wins, we can expect large riots and civil disorder. If Hillary wins, we can expect a civil war. Either way it is gonna get ugly.
2016-07-05 18:57:45 BesoekerSuch an "honest, dedicated public servant" that FBI Director Comey. Yes, but of course. Shades of Supreme Court Justice Roberts.
2016-07-05 18:48:38 BarbaraSorry, Ship - I didn\'t. Which thread?
2016-07-05 17:57:42 badanovWalt said: seen in comments on the net: "So, get ready for the Carrie-on-Prom-Night Presidency."
2016-07-05 17:51:44 Steve WhiteI think we\'re going to be saying "President Clinton" next year. And "Empress Hillary" the year after...
2016-07-05 16:57:25 ShipmanHi Barb, see my note to you at WUWT?
2016-07-05 14:11:19 badanovNo attack.
2016-07-05 14:01:11 newcIt would come back and then stop again. probably ddos attack
2016-07-05 13:14:11 BesoekerFBI Director Comey folds his tent, does not recommend indictments against Clinton, despite evidence of law breaking and wrong doing. Very sad day for America.
2016-07-05 13:12:36 BarbaraBummer. I\'ll keep checking back.
2016-07-05 00:15:45 ShipmanAlmost midnight eastern, nuttin
2016-07-04 23:35:52 badanovFred screwed up the networking.
2016-07-04 23:21:17 DaleDo ya think someone doesn\'t like us. Being the 4th also.
2016-07-04 20:47:06 badanovIt will be late tonight before it is back up.
2016-07-04 16:49:44 VisitorGot up early this morning to clean the evaporator coil on the downstairs AC unit. And a lovely job it was. Hoping for a quiet nap and afternoon of blog\'n enjoyment.... but NOOOOOOO. I was able to post that bit about Clinton deciding to keep Loretta Lynch on board. These people should be horse whipped. :-(
2016-07-04 15:50:52 Alaska Paul Locked up it appears.
2016-07-04 15:32:12 newcI guess rantburg is down again
2016-07-03 15:44:50 Alaska PaulYou was right, Ship. from the 10,000 mile level!
2016-07-01 17:28:28 ShipmanSo I wuz right AP!
2016-06-30 23:03:59 Alaska PaulPappy---No. My aircraft number was N5285K N66 338 is North 66 deg 33.8 minutes---the latitude of the Arctic Circle, where I lived 33 miles north of for 25 years.
2016-06-30 22:48:53 PappyLady takes her parrot to a vet and says he\'s not eating and spends his time moping around in his cage.\Vet says "I believe your parrot is lonely."\Lady says "But he has me. I play him music and give him treats-"\Vet interrupts.\ "Lady, when I say lonely, I mean -lonely-."\ "Oh," says the lady. "But that means a female parrot. I can\'t have another bird in my apartment."\ "How about a \'temporary friend\'?" says the vet. "I have a female parrot. But it will cost you five hundred dollars."\"Five hundred dollars!" gasped the lady.\"She\'s a pedigreed bird and in big demand.," said the vet. "That\'s her breeding fee, Take it or leave it."\After a bit of thought, the lady writes a check and the vet takes her parrot into a back room and puts him in the cage with his female parrot.\A few minutes later, they both hear all kinds of squawking and screaming.\ The two rush into the room and find the male has pinned down the female and is plucking out her feathers, while screaming "For five hundred bucks, I want you naked! Hear me? Naked!"
2016-06-30 19:44:28 DaleReal quick, parrot squawks at the lady you\'re ugly.She complains to the shop owner. Next day same parrot and lady stands by him and the parrot says " you know what I was gonna say". Good one Mr. B.
2016-06-30 14:18:04 ShipmanLooks like FP is making a bit of progress. I suspect this is some sort of asymmetric fundraising plo. I will take the staples out of my wallet for once.
2016-06-30 12:00:37 badanovTWO CATHOLIC PARROTS... A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, \'Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots, But they only know to say one thing.\' \'What do they say?\' the priest asked. They say, \'Hi, we\'re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?\' \'That\'s obscene!\' the priest exclaimed,Then he thought for a moment......\'You know,\' he said, \'I may have a solution to your problem.I have two male talking parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible...Bring your two parrots over to my house, and we\'ll put them in the cage with Francis and Peter. My parrots can teach your parrots to pray and worship, And your parrots are sure to stop saying that phrase in no time.\' \'Thank you,\' the woman responded,\'this may very well be the solution.\' The next day,She brought her female parrots to the priest\'s house.... As he ushered her in,She saw that his two male parrots were inside their cage holding rosary beads and praying... Impressed,she walked over and placed her parrots in with them... After a few minutes,The female parrots cried out in unison: Hi, we\'re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?\' There was stunned silence...Shocked, one male parrot looked over at the other male parrot and says...\'Put the beads away, Frank, Our prayers have been answered !!!
2016-06-30 08:38:08 PappyYour aircraft number, AP?
2016-06-30 07:04:35 ShipmanComments seem to be dragging
2016-06-30 07:00:59 ShipmanDamn, a two-pack gum deal, :(
2016-06-30 06:57:59 badanovThanks for coming and as you leave, you\'ll receive a nice gift basket consisting of a bottle of Dawn soap, some baby wipes and a package of Juicy Fruit gum. Enjoy.
2016-06-30 06:56:34 is live
2016-06-30 05:16:01 ShipmanWhere the heart lives?
2016-06-30 00:12:03 Alaska PaulOK quiz on meaning of vanity license plate on my pickup. It is as follows: N66 338 Take your best guess.
2016-06-30 00:11:00 Alaska PaulThings are looking up. Got an Apache2 Debian Default Page up on the burg and the OC. Fred---I realize what a huge job this has been! Will send you a goodly contribution on Friday when I get paid! Your hard work is appreciated in the far north.
2016-06-29 22:33:07 PappyYeah, I\'ll have to chase the moths outta the billfold myself.
2016-06-29 19:13:54 ShipmanLooks like FP is making a bit of progress. I suspect this is some sort of asymmetric fundraising plo. I will take the staples out of my wallet for once.
2016-06-29 18:08:42 ShipmanUkraine is nothing! Nothing! You are surrounded.
2016-06-29 14:24:01 badanovUkrainians just launched an attack on Logvinovka.
2016-06-29 13:51:37 badanovLinux allows for virtual RAIDs.
2016-06-29 13:28:48 ShipmanFred got the keyboard sticky, need new compooter syndrome. Bet he knew exactly the box he was gonna buy :) Any chance of getting RAID 1?
2016-06-29 07:00:57 badanovShip: HP desktop with 12GB RAM, 2 TB storage, I5 processor.
2016-06-29 06:04:29 ShipmanMachine? A new box, not a hard drive?
2016-06-29 05:55:52 trailing wifeFor those who do Facebook, Rantburg now has a Facebook page. Fred posted there that he is having trouble programming the replacement machine to his satisfaction.
2016-06-29 01:29:05 ShipmanStarting to worry about FredMan.
2016-06-29 01:19:38 badanovI get the reason why. Some php programmers want to open the database using an include file so that if an error occurs, the user down\'t see the database credentials. You can still do that, but now you must add an additional database command in the program you are using.
2016-06-29 01:17:59 badanovphp programming language has changed the way it deals with databases requring essentially two commands to open a database for queries.
2016-06-29 00:26:38 badanovHopefully I fixed the posting problem here
2016-06-29 00:26:14 badanovThey don\'t have anyone more radical than Corbyn is why the vote was nonbinding.
2016-06-28 23:31:30 PappyWhich sounds like something Labor would do.
2016-06-28 23:31:02 PappyLabor passed a nonbinding no-confidence vote on Corbyn.
2016-06-28 21:51:22 badanovGawd damn mess, iffin you ask me.
2016-06-28 21:46:07 badanovtest
2016-06-28 19:03:34 trailing wifeDrudge Report has lots of links on the Ataturk Airport attack. Times of Israel sez AK-47s and probably ISIS. It would be cynical to expect that the Kurds will be receiving undue Turkish attention shortly.
2016-06-28 18:13:56 ShipmanMullah you using some sorta iOS?
2016-06-28 17:34:28 Mullah RichardTerror attack at Istanbul Ataturk Airport. At least 28 people have been killed and 60 others wounded.
2016-06-28 17:18:38 Mullah RichardNope. Android or Windoze depending on the day.
2016-06-28 17:06:17 ShipmanMullah you using some sorta iOS?
2016-06-28 16:00:23 Mullah RichardSame here
2016-06-28 15:37:58 ShipmanAny comment deeper than Gooooo Gaters is eaten.
2016-06-28 14:51:43 trailing wifeThe Italians are trying to use Brexit to get Germany to loosen limits on deficit spending, so they can go on as they were accustomed to in the old days.
2016-06-28 11:12:33 badanovPure poetry from Wretchard T. Cat

When the Italians stop waving at the Brits on the lifeboats fleeing the Titanic and notice the water sloshing around their ankles.

2016-06-28 10:26:06 ShipmanWhoops refresh made Briscoe show up
2016-06-28 09:30:36 Bulldawg BriscoeThis stinks!
2016-06-28 06:56:07 DaleHello All. OS must not have this hidey-hole or lost it. Fred must be having a difficult time. Best wishes to him and to all.
2016-06-28 00:12:47 badanovReminds me of the early 1980s.
2016-06-27 23:47:50 PappyCorbyn may not last much longer.
2016-06-27 23:47:35 PappyUK Labor is out for blood.
2016-06-27 22:48:48 badanovMy gru mail address is working now. And before you ask, not a peep from Fred.
2016-06-27 20:54:00 trailing wifeI think so, Shipman.
2016-06-27 18:52:30 ShipmanIs this a record outage?
2016-06-27 15:16:11 badanovOne drive, backedup every so often, I guess. Not intimately familiar with the details.
2016-06-27 15:03:22 ShipmanJust oughta curiosity is there one disk or a Some sort redundant array?
2016-06-27 14:36:36 badanovThank Gawd for hard links. Was able to resolve my perl editing problem by creating a shortcut that pointed to the correct program.
2016-06-27 14:04:24 badanovGoing to Chernarus. BBL
2016-06-27 12:46:42 Bulldawg BriscoeThis stinks!
2016-06-27 12:22:00 ShipmanTest
2016-06-27 11:26:26 badanovNo idea, TW
2016-06-27 10:07:16 trailing wifeHmm. Was badanov doing something with his PERL scripts,or was I zinged by a stray gamma ray?
2016-06-27 10:05:50 trailing wifeJust tried to post a secomd comment, got this: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
2016-06-27 10:05:05 trailing wifeJust checked. Still no connection.
2016-06-27 10:03:41 trailing wifeJust checked. Still no connection.
2016-06-27 08:32:34 PappyLoverly.
2016-06-27 07:13:40 badanovI found out last night that I have around 200+ perl scripts which will have to be edited so they can work again. The people at FreeBSD moved the perl executable to another location.
2016-06-27 07:09:26 badanovFred has his server. The transition should be quick.
2016-06-27 06:30:36 trailing wifeGood morning! Still no Burg. :-(
2016-06-27 06:24:12 ShipmanNumber 2 now Bad
2016-06-27 05:44:12 badanovNo idea, Pappy.
2016-06-27 00:08:38 PappyAnything related to the previous cooling failure?
2016-06-27 00:05:03 PappyHD failure? Ouch.
2016-06-26 23:52:08 trailing wife:-)
2016-06-26 22:17:48 badanovWere back
2016-06-26 22:17:15 badanovwerwer
2016-06-25 23:55:42 badanovThanks AP
2016-06-25 23:46:31 Alaska Paul Burg down. Writing technical report, drinking wine, eating yogurt with fresh blueberries. ANNNNND, babysitting sleeping 10 mo grandson. Help yourself to victuals including sourdough bread and Irish cheese variety.
2016-06-25 23:40:16 badanovThanks, TW
2016-06-25 23:39:49 Steve WhiteLooks like a hard drive failure according to the Boss. We'll be down for a bit.
2016-06-25 23:38:58 trailing wifeThanks for this place, badanov. I'll set up the coffee machine for those who want it.
2016-06-25 23:18:44 badanovRantburg will be down prolly for most of Sunday. Details coming.
2016-02-15 19:55:36 PappyTesting
2016-01-19 09:00:44 VisitorTesting
2016-01-01 21:23:58 VisitorHunting on Fort Benning. Roads along the Hooch closed due to flooding. Saw 3 yearlings, no takers. Oh well, a bad day in the woods is better than.... oh no, the Burg is down :-(
2015-11-18 21:52:06 badanovStand by. Working the problem as we speak
2015-11-15 19:34:54 Alaska PaulIs the burg down? I posted a comment with a map of al Raqqa, and then, after 10 minutes no connection. ;<(
2015-05-20 08:00:34 DaleDitto B
2015-04-06 20:50:38 badanovBloody hell.
2015-01-25 12:57:08 Alaska PaulPretty quiet w/o the burg. Went for a hike yesterday up the valley. +12F. 2 in snow on the trail. 10 miles r/t. Dog did 20 heheh. This AM -7F. Nice fire going in wood stove. We're good.
2015-01-25 12:51:43 Mullah RichardSeems that way
2015-01-25 12:31:19 PappyI take it we're down again?
2014-12-21 08:14:32 badanovWe're back for now
2014-12-21 08:14:14 badanovWe're back for now
2014-12-21 08:14:09 badanovWe're back for now
2014-12-21 08:13:33 trailing wifebadanov did something, and now the Burg is back. Woo hoo!
2014-12-21 07:27:32 trailing wifeThen it's not just me. Good to know, Besoeker. The killer has a Muslim name, according to the Daily Mail, a possible connection to that black prison gang that swore to kill policemen, and he killed his girlfriend in Baltimore before setting out for NYC. Fred is, I believe, travelling. If badanov can't fix it from a distance...
2014-12-21 05:31:42 BesoekerSame here. Breitbart ran an article I had hoped to post regarding "laughing and clapping" in the vicinity of the NYPD killings. An oncologist might say, 'we're in stage four.'
2014-12-21 04:31:54 trailing wifeJust tried to get into Editor, Poster, the O Club, and Rantburg proper. All yielded: Unable to connect to Postgres server!
2014-12-09 17:58:14 DalePappy they look glum. The refrigerator is looking kinda poorly.
2014-12-09 17:54:55 DaleNip in the air :)
2014-10-21 13:13:00 trailing wifeRantburg was back up by 12:46, according to the first comment. My thanks to Fred and badanov for fixing whatever was broke.
2014-10-21 09:52:59 Alaska PaulHad our first snow in ANC Sunday night. north of ANC we had 1 inch. The Hillside got 9 inches.
2014-10-21 09:32:25 PappyAppears to be, since about 4:30 Pacific.
2014-10-21 08:59:45 Alaska PaulIs the burg down?
2014-10-21 07:30:32 PappyProbably a good thing I did...
2014-10-20 08:09:49 PappyDropping in to see if the refrigerator is stocked...
2014-09-23 19:02:26 SilentbrickIt's 85 degrees here in Texas. I'd prefer 32 to kill off the bugs but alas, the ice age isn't that far along.
2014-09-23 16:44:48 VisitorOh. Jeez. That's awkward. Stream o' limerickness. Sorry. Withdrawal made me do it.
2014-09-23 16:43:17 VisitorMouldy joints from the boneyard of unposted doggerel. This volume, my bookloving friend, I'm afraid that I can't recommend. It's a very short text, But it left me perplexed. I shall quote it in toto: "The End" This tome made a very quick read Which I finished at hair-raising speed. As I felt my heart's pumps And flipped pages with stumps I could hardly take time out to bleed! No classic, this reader surmises, But golly, it's full of surprises! Well, especially one. I won't say it was fun, With its loud literary devices. If you're seeking a really quick read, This novel is just what you need. From the very first page, You'll be fully engaged, And be done in a flash, guaranteed. Young readers with an interest in bombs And magical books and pogroms, Will relish this tale Of a martyrdom fail As they read it aloud with their moms. A cell of old Jewish librarians, All Czech-speaking sexagenarians, Are sworn to pursue The extreme overdue, Knocking off non-returning barbarians.
2014-09-23 15:13:58 SilentbrickIt's 85 degrees here in Texas. I'd prefer 32 to kill off the bugs but alas, the ice age isn't that far along.
2014-09-23 15:10:49 Alaska PaulBesoeker---you are incorrigible......
2014-09-23 14:39:37 BesoekerJapanese parachutist weather, a little nip in the air.
2014-09-23 14:21:15 Alaska PaulHello, TW. Weather good here in Alaska. Partly cloudy but nights are starting to be chilly.
2014-09-23 14:07:28 Alaska PaulHello, TW. Weather good here in Alaska. Partly cloudy but nights are starting to be chilly.
2014-09-23 14:01:50 trailing wifeOh good -- it's not that I need a new iPad, then.
2014-09-23 13:58:24 BesoekerAppears to be down, yes.
2014-09-23 13:52:43 Visitoryo!
2014-09-23 13:35:32 Alaska PaulBurg down?
2014-07-02 10:22:11 BesoekerIngrham issued a scathing rebuke of Rubio and the Pub immigration advocates in a broadcast that can be found on this morning's Breitbart.
2014-07-02 09:39:39 trailing wifeOk, I just proved that the break room does not accept URLs. So much for sharing the article about the Kurds literally digging in their new frontiers facing the Caliphate. Bagels, muffins, and an assortment of Dunkin Donut's finest are on that bench over there, the coffee machine is making something vile and black, and badanov did not stock the fridge with a variety of choice mineral waters. There might be Yuengling, though.
2014-07-02 09:07:53 BesoekerNow we know what Lois Lerner feels like.
2014-07-02 07:31:30 DaleBoth sites down. Momma said there would be days like these. What's in the cooler?. It wasn't me? It was the guy with the tie.
2014-07-02 07:11:26 trailing wifeIs the Burg down again?
2014-06-25 23:49:39 SilentbrickUnable to connect to Postgres server!
2014-06-25 23:09:08 SilentbrickUnable to connect to Postgres server!
2014-06-25 23:03:55 Silentbrickhmmmm, looks like a repeat from before perhaps.
2014-05-15 23:56:34 badanovDone publishing
2014-05-15 23:46:46 badanovDid it that time. Back up. Keep publishing
2014-05-15 23:44:44 badanovSame problem as before. Database refuses to accept start signals
2014-05-15 23:40:43 trailing wifeOdd -- at my end of the world all the clocks read 12:06 a.m. ET...
2014-05-15 23:39:51 trailing wifeThe Burg seems to be down again. I'm not sure if I got as many as a dozen stories published before it went down. But the Bloid was published, badanov, so when it comes up again, the readers will know what they're missing. ;-)
2014-05-15 10:15:52 trailing wifeThe burg came back up around 9:30, according to the comments. Sixty-seven articles published, presumably by Fred.
2014-05-15 08:22:29 PappyMorning. Taking a co-worker to a medical appointment in Riverside. See youse all tonight.
2014-05-15 06:18:07 trailing wifeNot yet. Good morning. Going back to sleep.
2014-05-15 00:03:55 trailing wifeThere were about 65 articles in the end, and one more that i would very much like to post. So as soon as the 'burg is back up, we're ready to rock. In the meantime, I'm going to call it a night. Mr. Wife is out of town, so I'm on duty tonight. If I happen to awaken in the middle of the night, as I often do, I'll poke my head in over there to see what's up.
2014-05-14 23:59:20 badanovNo. I can't even log in. And unless and until Fred can gain a local console, there will be no Rantburg.
2014-05-14 23:50:16 trailing wifeAnybody publish the articles in the hopper before that, perchance?
2014-05-14 23:42:17 badanovYou guessed right. Stand by.
2014-05-14 23:09:31 PappyI take it we's down again?
2014-05-11 20:06:22 Steve WhiteWe are posting articles for tomorrow and hope that the Burg is working fine. Please report problems here.
2014-05-11 18:03:17 PappyGot this placed bookmarked (for once...)
2014-05-11 17:48:44 ShipmanI was just kinda beginning to feel at home here
2014-05-11 17:37:41 badanovRantburg is back. According to Fred, "sorta", which means, it's back.
2014-05-11 16:15:58 Mullah RichardGood afternoon, all. After a morning at Church (and a 'thrilling' brunch due to the shenanigans of an unnamed grandchild), we're home. Happy Mothers Day to all the 'Burgers.
2014-05-11 15:35:47 badanovPenelope is back. Sunday is empty, and everything else is working as it has at around 1500 hrs EDT
2014-05-11 15:13:28 PappySaw an Illushyn landed at Lindbergh about a decade or so back. I've never been lucky enough to see one take off from there.
2014-05-11 11:43:57 BesoekerI got a call from Flt Opns at a FOB in Iraq back in 2006 telling me that a shipment of supplies was waiting the end of the runway. I jumped in the RANGER and raced down to find a massive Illushyn idling, whilst the crew was anxiously waiting for me to sign the bill of lading. The cargo had already been off-loaded. I couldn't speak RU, none of them spoke English. I signed, we all smiled. They jogged back to that monster, taxied, and smoked off into a climb-out. No spiral, no flares.
2014-05-11 11:39:59 badanovStill trying to work the problem.
2014-05-11 11:34:23 Bill ClintonI was at Wheelus about six months ago, seemed strange seeing all of the Antonov and Illushyn heavy lift aircraft there...sad.
2014-05-11 11:32:45 Bill ClintonGoodness, I am into the "Joneses" really bad for Rantburg. What the heck happened? What's the latest gossip, rumor, or outrageous truth for today?
2014-05-11 11:32:44 Thing From Snowy MountainWhat do you mean by 'cloud?' Subcontract out the server hardware to somewhere else? I'm not sure that would really solve any problems.
2014-05-11 11:08:27 badanovIIRC, that fot's from the Lawrence Livermore machine shop in the 1940s
2014-05-11 10:55:59 DarthVaderWe need to get Rantburg into a cloud configuration. I'm starting to go into withdrawl..... twitch... twitch... Happy mother's day to all the moms out there!
2014-05-11 10:27:35 Steve WhiteErk. That was me.
2014-05-11 10:27:21 VisitorHappy Mother's Day to everyone. I'm told Fred and Badanov are still working on the server.
2014-05-11 10:19:14 Frank Ghappy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there and especially at the Burg
2014-05-11 10:02:40 ShipmanBadMan, you got a link to a larger version of that picture? I see balloons or perhaps arrows.
2014-05-11 09:20:42 ShipmanWhoops, no links allowed!
2014-05-11 09:14:56 Thing From Snowy MountainGood morning, I hope everyone enjoys themselves today.
2014-05-11 08:57:56 Mugsy GlinkHappy Mothers Day, etc. Starting around noonish, it's T-showers in the Cincy area, which means instead of going to the Reds/Rockies game for umbrella time with my favorite daughter-in-law and grandkids, I'll drop into the Burg break room from time to time and watch the unpaid IT crew tinker with technology.
2014-05-11 08:50:52 Deacon BluesMorning, All. This place doesn't look half-bad. I love the smell of machine oil in the morning. Thanks for breakfast, tw.
2014-05-11 08:40:51 badanovThat's true, Ship, but for the fact this is a crappy backwater, which it was before the problems.
2014-05-11 08:40:07 Mugsy GlinkHappy Mothers Day, etc. Starting around noonish, it's T-showers in the Cincy area, which means instead of going to the Reds/Rockies game for umbrella time with my favorite daughter-in-law and grandkids, I'll drop into the Burg break room from time to time and watch the unpaid IT crew tinker with technology.
2014-05-11 08:38:10 trailing wifeFascinating. The machine shop doesn't allow paragraphs. You have been warned.
2014-05-11 08:36:54 trailing wifeGood morning! In honour of Silentbrick, It's an old fashined breakfast. On the much-scrubbed surface over there -- no, I don't know what badanov uses it for, but it's flat and at close to the proper height -- we have a variety of bagels, breads for toasting, and muffins. Also, plum-tarragon jam and grape jelly, butter, honey, cream cheese, and lox. The muffins are lemon-poppyseed and bran-raisin-chocolate chip. Because chocolate chips make almost everything better. And I brought in a wide-slot toaster. Hot plate with a frying pan on that other flat surface, the one near the electric outlet. Fixings for omelettes: eggs, diced onion, diced green peppers, diced mushrooms, salt and pepper, chedder and Emmenthal Swiss cheese for shredding, bacon and diced ham for the carnivores. (badanov, we will clean up thoroughly afterward.) Irish Breakfast tea and Jamaica Blue coffee in individual serving bags next to the microwave, fresh squeezed orange and grapefruit juices in the fridge in addition to badanov's usual. Don't drink the last if you're on meds, it makes an ever-increasing lost of them metabolize funny. No, there is no champagne, this is a machine shop, for goodness sake! Autobartender's patented to-go cups are on top of the microwave for those of you in a hurry. Happy Mother's Day for all of you who are, have, or know a mother!
2014-05-11 08:29:47 VisitorLooks like my mom (90yrs) ordered a command appearance this M-Day at church so I can't return to bed. Must mean mom's are not wired to quit being mom's. Sigh.
2014-05-11 08:24:49 ShipmanI figure BadMan is angling for Fred's traffic. Not a bad ploy, kinda transparent, that or Pappy wanted a day or 2 off.
2014-05-11 08:16:02 badanovFred: Do you have the apache server throttled?
2014-05-11 08:05:35 PappyAh, good(?) morning.
2014-05-11 06:23:18 ShipmanLater. Don't dream of Parkway PoBoys
2014-05-11 06:18:58 SilentbrickNope. It's no joke. We don't get low on water like we used to but this is definitely not a cruise ship. Only the PDQ has a flotel that I know of though. They're a strange duck too, semi-permanent platform. Internet is horrid too, usually around 8 kbs. Not exactly blistering fast. Anyway, another 12 hour day done, time for me to crawl to bed. Hope the 'Burg is back tonight. Later Shipman.
2014-05-11 06:05:31 ShipmanYou're not pulling my leg? I really thought given the conditions the owners of the rig would (excuse the expression) go overboard with small the shit amenities. Maybe that's been consigned the flotels? I've only read about them on but they look nice.
2014-05-11 05:55:12 SilentbrickYes well, Rule # 1 - If it makes sense, you can't do it. And these companies do know it, cause when their contract is up, they get run off but they know in a year or two, the rigs are unhappy and the previous time gets forgotten and the cycle starts again. The bad food doesn't bug me nearly as much as the far too often running out of water.
2014-05-11 05:49:24 ShipmanThat's a stupid place to cut corners. Food is everything in an isolated place.
2014-05-11 05:27:32 SilentbrickOh sure, the food when they hire a new food service company is great. There's quality ingredients, etc. Once they got the contract, why keep the profit margin small by buying good stuff and instead buy cheap nasty stuff and pocket the rest. We've had two different catering companies out here, when the bigwigs are out here, food is great, next day it goes back to being horrid. Steaks that 1/2 fat, with little flavor, all vegetables are boiled to mush, so that they are bland and tasteless or worse, covered in butter and oil to give them flavor. The salad bar is often wilted and just looks bad. They have a horrid fascination with adding cheese to things. They can even make bacon unappetizing. How I don't know. I really don't and it's scary. There's never snacks in the break rooms. Sadly, the best food I had was on a jackup rig just off the coast. The rig was horrid, they let them smoke in the change room, which means smoke went everywhere inside and it was a filthy nasty place. Except the kitchen, and the food was awesome. Some places have decent food but most I find have sub-par food, since companies will scrimp on quality to get more profit.
2014-05-11 05:10:04 ShipmanWhoa, not a good time to be elsewhere for sure. I am surprised you don't approve of the food on the rig. I would have supposed that much thought and cash would have gone into making a good menu.
2014-05-11 04:37:57 SilentbrickMainly because after a week out there my wife told me she's got a munchkin on board:D Not a fun time to be away from the wife.
2014-05-11 04:35:38 SilentbrickYes, out in the gulf on the West Capricorn. Luckily just for two weeks this hitch. Last hitch was 28 days. Was going crazy. Really crazy.
2014-05-11 04:14:36 ShipmanOff shore rig SilentB?
2014-05-11 03:35:28 SilentbrickBah, pizza. The pizza on the rig is horrible. The steaks are a crime against nature. And I've been doing trip sheets for 9 days straight out here. It's driving me crazy.
2014-05-11 03:26:58 ShipmanWe should order a pizza.
2014-05-11 03:21:17 FredSince my brain's not working anymore I'm going to take a nap. Maybe I'll be smarter when I wake up.
2014-05-11 01:36:19 trailing wifeI'll wait until morning, then. I can handle sleeping first, truly. ;-) Thank you for what you two are doing.
2014-05-11 01:21:13 badanovTW: Most doable, except both Fred and I were thinking only of diagnosing the problem and failing to grasp what we were trying to fix.
2014-05-11 01:17:24 badanovCareful. the 'Burg still hangs up something fierce.
2014-05-11 00:59:30 SilentbrickIt's funny, but it's days like these, Rantburg free that make me twitch and realize how much I enjoy the place. And the comments. So funny watching trolls get chewed on or getting angles to the news I'd never see otherwise.
2014-05-11 00:53:33 trailing wifeAnd the O Club shows a link to here. :-) Poster's up? I have work to do before I fall asleep.
2014-05-11 00:28:39 badanovposter works
2014-05-11 00:26:16 trailing wifeThey'll still be shaking from withdrawal when next Sherry posts her bleg. Snowy Thing, the world hasn't blown itself up, as far as I'm aware. badanov, in future would it be possible to post some sort of placeholder notice along the lines of "Rantburg is temporarily disabled. We're working to restore it", or is that not doable when the site is down?
2014-05-11 00:06:40 badanovThis may take awhile...
2014-05-10 21:15:39 trailing wife*giggle* You have fun playing with the toys, Shipman. But if youi blow something up, you'll have to replace it out of your allowance. Fred switched out the server today. He's in the process of restoring the database and chasing down critical bugs.
2014-05-10 20:54:09 Thing From Snowy MountainHopefully nothing important's happening this weekend.
2014-05-10 20:53:40 Thing From Snowy MountainRaybans may-or-may-not be made of the correct polycarbonate.
2014-05-10 20:50:40 trailing wife*giggle* You have fun playing with the toys, Shipman. But if youi blow something up, you'll have to replace it out of your allowance. Fred switched out the server today. He's in the process of restoring the database and chasing down critical bugs.
2014-05-10 18:23:06 ShipmanHey look at all the stuff! Shinny and clean. Watch me make this one go! I will turn on the vaccuum pump for safety and wear Raybans.
2014-05-10 17:28:52 trailing wifeI sent an email to Fred and badanov asking what's up, but haven't yet heard back. Either they're working frantically, or they're attending to real life and haven't noticed the problem.
2014-05-10 17:06:39 trailing wifeI made a batch of brownies to hold us, dale, and badanov supplies microwave popcorn and "libations", which means that it can't be all beer. And it is a machine shop, so somewhere around here there has to be clean water. ;-)
2014-05-10 16:02:43 DaleWhere's the snacks? Slim Pickens.
2014-05-10 16:00:52 DaleAt this time same problems with O Club and Rantburg. I miss my fix.
2014-05-10 15:53:38 trailing wifePerhaps Fred is setting up the back up thingy...
2014-05-10 15:43:22 Thing From Snowy MountainI think I'll go take a nap.
2014-05-10 15:16:59 Thing From Snowy MountainIt's down for me too.
2014-05-10 14:34:28 trailing wifeOr local weather, even.
2014-05-10 14:34:03 trailing wifeIs Rantburg down, or is it my lical weather?
2014-05-02 10:33:57 Thing From Snowy Mountain
2014-05-02 09:35:08 Mullah RichardRefreshed page in my browser and it 'multi-posted'. Should have actually read the instructions above.
2014-05-02 09:33:53 Mullah RichardThink I'll wait here for a bit.
2014-05-02 09:33:47 Mullah RichardThink I'll wait here for a bit.
2014-05-02 09:03:07 Mullah RichardThink I'll wait here for a bit.
2014-03-29 10:09:10 badanovExecuted remote reboot. Should be up in two minutes
2014-03-29 09:45:56 GlenmoreRantburg down; times out loading.
2014-03-22 01:32:44 down again
2014-03-20 19:40:35 trailing wifeEek! double post. And thus it os demonstrated, my dears, not to click on refresh up in the Address bar. Now to see if the 'burg is still open for business.
2014-03-20 19:38:59 trailing wifeIt looks like Fred is playing under the hood again. Darn it -- I was hoping for a flood of wonderful article submission based on the duet on the subject Dr. Steve and I sang. ;-) Ah well, I guess w'll just have to roll over both articles to tomorrow -- time = eyeballs, donchaknow.
2014-03-20 18:10:17 badanovYes, it's NCAA mens basketball tournament time. Some Thursday evening Dire Straits:
2014-03-20 17:49:01 badanovAaaand, we're back.
2014-03-20 17:09:02 Alaska PaulThis site is a decent backup. I just stumbled on the Rantburg Junior mailing list we had some years ago for emergencies like this.
2014-03-20 17:07:06 Alaska PaulNo Burg, all right. Deacon sent me an email. Well, the machine shop looks populated, and I needed a break from reading a 42 page environmental assessment......
2014-03-20 17:01:02 trailing wifeIt looks like Fred is playing under the hood again. Darn it -- I was hoping for a flood of wonderful article submission based on the duet on the subject Dr. Steve and I sang. ;-) Ah well, I guess w'll just have to roll over both articles to tomorrow -- time = eyeballs, donchaknow.
2014-03-20 15:50:22 badanovHowdy. Can't log in via ssh, so I s'pect Rantburg will be down a spell.
2014-03-20 12:34:06 ShipmanThat's life, it's always one damn thing after another.
2014-03-18 13:42:41 trailing wifeI just sent an email to Fred about this. (Just noticed we're having Postgres issues again -- my morning nap ran longer than usual) Yesterday the problem was with the server. We'll see what it is today.
2014-03-18 13:41:50 Thing From Snowy MountainLooks like things are down again. For the moment: (Link redacted so this will post) In short, it looks like they arrested some Spetsnaz in Ukraine proper.
2014-03-17 10:22:21 Thing From Snowy MountainANy idea what happened? Someone's flying monkey or something else?
2014-03-17 09:39:20 GlenmoreNot sure why I got my message posted twice. Sorry.
2014-03-17 09:38:30 GlenmoreRantburg says "Unable to connect to Postgres server!" O-Club says "Unable to connect!"
2014-03-17 08:45:45 DaleUnable to connect to Postgres server!" same here. 0900 Must have posted something sensitive yesterday (OS).
2014-03-17 07:38:45 ShipmanOn a positive note I am off for the week and heading to the coast in a few days. Also: Happy St. Patrick's Day.
2014-03-17 07:37:15 ShipmanGetting the same Glenmore
2014-03-17 07:32:11 GlenmoreRantburg says "Unable to connect to Postgres server!" O-Club says "Unable to connect!"
2014-02-28 15:51:30 ShipmanTrouble loading the O-club
2014-01-16 19:33:15 DaleOops! back on line now.
2014-01-16 19:31:15 DaleSame here Shipman. O club also.
2014-01-16 18:31:02 ShipmanHaving a problem loading R'b. Anything untowards happening?
2013-12-28 16:26:20 Thing From Wet MountainBack from driving around in the damp. Bleah. How are things up there?
2013-12-28 13:16:23 badanovSee ya
2013-12-28 12:44:52 Thing From Wet MountainGreetings out there. As y'all can see, it's kinda wet out there. I guess the main page is down, and I gotta go meet my mom, so I'll see y'all later.
2013-12-14 13:19:42 Alaska PaulTriple w dot bigassfans dot com
2013-12-14 13:18:49 Alaska PaulWhat you really want is the website for Big A$$ Fans.
2013-12-12 17:54:43 Thing From Snowy MountainActually, I have one I got at Sam's or Harbor Freight or something, and use it around the shop.
2013-12-12 17:04:52 ShipmanBig Centrifugal BLower Heh, a child of the early 60's are 'ye?
2013-12-12 16:12:22 badanovBreathe
2013-12-12 13:34:10 Thing From Snowy MountainLet's see, there's a switch for the Big Centrifugal BLower somewhere around here... ...and some air freshener... Hey, Ship, does this stuff smell like chloroform to you? *Klunk!*
2013-12-12 09:47:22 ShipmanBeen awhile since I've been in the Bunker, kinda musty.
2013-05-19 21:22:59 Thing From Snowy MountainThank you. Now on to Planet Tahiti of the Open-Minded Stewardesses.
2013-05-19 20:15:19 trailing wifeNever mind -- it's back up again. :-D
2013-05-19 20:14:51 trailing wifeI can't get in through any of the back doors. :-(
2013-05-19 20:10:22 badanovWorking the problem. It's heavy paging. or swapping. I may need to do a full server restart. I will be restarting the web server periodically until then.
2013-05-19 19:38:42 trailing wifeI can't get in through any of the back doors. :-(
2013-05-19 19:10:04 Thing From Snowy MountainAnyway, to follow up on Ship's statements, I'm looking forward to Tahiti.
2013-05-19 19:02:15 Thing From Snowy MountainThe whole 'burg just went offline for me. Maybe it's maintenance, maybe it's malware, maybe it's the dreaded 'Yeti Filter.'
2013-04-23 13:57:58 Alaska PaulIt started again. I cannot access RB or OC as our webroot protection sees a malware threat.
2013-04-18 14:02:54 Alaska Paul1418 EDT. Getting the RB and OC warning display when trying to access them. Let us know what you find, MODs. Thanks.
2013-04-18 10:14:53 PappyMorning. Didn't try the O-Club this morning. Getting a 'This site may harm your computer' off Google search. Work Holding Always Be Hard...
2013-04-18 09:47:39 Thing From Snowy MountainSeems to be back up... going in back, gotta mill some stuff. Work Holding Be Hard.
2013-04-18 09:33:16 Thing From Snowy Mountainmain o-club is down, just checking in here.
2013-04-08 02:09:43 Alaska PaulHave not had to use Rantburg Junior for years now.
2013-04-04 20:38:27 DaleHello all. I lost this site when I had computer issues. I still wish the break room was back to larger size. I'm back !! luck you all.:)
2013-04-04 20:36:12 Thing From Snowy MountainI shouldn't have been trying that during updates.
2013-04-04 20:36:00 Thing From Snowy Mountain??? I meant "rough day today. Hopefully better tomorrow."
2013-04-04 20:35:35 Thing From Snowy MountainHello. Rough day tomorrow.
2013-04-04 19:04:16 SteveSI don't want to live in a world where the function get_last_timestamp(integer) does not exist.
2013-04-04 18:02:19 ShipmanSo yeah, I can't read the instructions to reload. :(
2013-04-04 18:01:57 Shipmanyeah = yo big... about ummm..... 3 inches wide by 6 inches long. Metal not wood, I've already tried cardboard, it no work.
2013-04-04 17:19:59 Shipmanyeah = yo big... about ummm..... 3 inches wide by 6 inches long. Metal not wood, I've already tried cardboard, it no work.
2013-04-04 17:10:26 Shipmanyeah = yo big... about ummm..... 3 inches wide by 6 inches long. Metal not wood, I've already tried cardboard, it no work.
2013-04-04 17:08:21 ShipmanI need a rectangle of stable metal about yeah big, with a 1/4 hole pretty much in the center.
2013-04-04 16:58:00 PappyYep. Burg went down around 1000 pacific. Obama did indeed back down, tho the official line is "scaling back US operation in Korea'. RIP, Mr. Ebert. Breeding prevents me from speaking ill of the dead. T'was an article this morning saying his cancer came back.
2013-04-04 16:40:07 Days CondorChiCom hackers don't like discussions on NKor?
2013-04-04 16:37:38 Days Condorhowdy all.
2013-04-04 16:11:08 Deacon BluesBurg is down and I found a great article about a Slovakian man who drank a lot of beer and peed himslef out of an avalanche
2013-04-04 15:32:09 Deacon BluesRoger Ebert has died. He was only 70.
2013-04-04 15:29:42 Deacon BluesMust be neutrinos. Or it blew a seal.
2013-04-04 15:19:31 Alaska PaulHello, Deacon and badanov. What is going on with the burg? Was is los mit dem burg?
2013-04-04 14:49:15 VisitorVisitor is me, Deacon Blues
2013-04-04 13:31:03 badanovOlas, mis companeros. Bienvenidos!
2013-04-04 13:16:08 Alaska PaulBurg is down, and the O Club does not take comments. And Charlie don't surf.
2012-11-29 22:27:35 Alaska PaulJust came in here to have a cold drink and give me brain a rest.
2012-11-14 12:26:33 SherryThanks for the heads up -- that we are here....
2012-11-14 12:09:35 trailing wifeThank you for keeping this back-up available, badanov.
2012-11-14 10:11:59 badanovO-Club is back... Cya
2012-11-14 10:04:23 SherryThanks for the heads up -- that we are here....
2012-11-14 08:56:04 badanovHowdy, Mike. And if you prefer, some beers are in the fridge left over from the last time the O-club went down.
2012-11-14 08:23:27 trailing wifeHey, Whiskey Mike! How are you on this fine qnd beautiful morning? We've a French roast in the coffee machine, water in the kettle for tea. Bagels and donuts on the sideboard, along with travel mugs for those in a rush, and Irish Breakfast tea for the tea drinkers.
2012-11-14 08:02:50 Whiskey MikeHello all.
2012-11-14 06:41:18 badanovYummy
2012-11-14 01:37:46 trailing wifeI brought a pan of brownies and chocolate chip cookies to,alternate with chewing nails when the withdrawal shakes get too bad.
2012-11-13 23:33:27 Steve WhiteUpdate: Fred is aware the Burg is down; apparently it's a hosting problem. He's trying to get through to the host, but when they're down you can't email them.
2012-11-13 23:10:04 Steve WhiteFor anyone who gets here, yes, the Burg is still down. Likely no Burg until the morning hours. Don't know if it's a server problem, a DOS attack, or something just plain broke in the code.
2012-11-13 23:07:07 badanovTest
2012-11-13 22:43:36 badanovI emailed Fred at 1855 hrs.
2012-11-13 22:19:39 Steve WhiteErrr, that was me.
2012-11-13 22:19:21 VisitorWas down at 7:30 CT this evening. Emailed Fred, waiting to hear.
2012-11-13 22:18:16 Thing From Snowy MountainI thought it was internet problems.
2012-11-13 21:32:53 badanovJust checked in since the 'Burg is down.
2012-09-18 10:31:45 Mullah RichardSomeone left the cookies out in an open container. They're sort of stale, but edible in a pinch.
2012-04-06 17:28:14 badanovHi there. Stopped by for a bit.
2012-03-21 01:04:08 Alaska Paulburg is down. Coming in here for a snack.
2012-01-08 23:15:40 Dale18 Ft. I saw today AP. Some other area of Alaska. Roof can't take that kinda weight. Heavy wet snow. Norway has been hit with several severe winter storms. We have had nice weather. Worked on our car with major help from my son. Brakes,oy vey I'ma feeling it.
2011-12-07 21:37:47 Alaska PaulGot a problem with that. I have 4 ft of snow piled on it by the loader. Wait till after Christmas and New Years.
2011-12-07 14:41:26 Alaska PaulLooks like the Burg is down at this time. Just checking in. Maybe I will start on my hydraulic log splitter project.
2011-09-10 06:43:01 b0SamueL0b+z$8frZdyL%68pSU/:>w<:E3.lG-!XIB
2011-08-28 11:34:26 ShipmanLooks like I was wrong about the wind.
2011-08-27 09:07:49 lotpThought I'd bring by a box of doughnuts and some coffee. Help y'selves.
2011-08-27 07:09:20 ShipmanHaven't been here in awhile. Don't you ever change the calendars? I mean you got 13 calendars on the wall here, taking up vital paint space. Anyway, hello. If NYC sees sustained winds over 40 MPH I'll be surprised.
2011-08-27 00:32:13 SherryThanks bad --- got it now bookmarked
2011-08-01 21:01:55 DaleThe shop picture has been reduced. Looks a little busy in there.
2011-07-31 19:36:30 DaleI tried Opera and Firefox no go for OC. I see Fred and TU 3031 have posted. Everything works fine at Rantburg. I'll bet Fred you are speaking in tongues at this time.
2011-07-31 17:59:43 DaleI tried Opera, Internet Explorer, and Firefox on the OC and at first no post twice(Firefox). Then server not found with Opera and Internet Explorer. FYI
2011-07-31 15:57:04 Thing From Snowy MountainStuff is kinda sorta working better now.
2011-07-31 14:35:02 Thing From Snowy MountainPosted it to page 2. That at least works.
2011-07-31 14:26:43 Thing From Snowy MountainAnyway, I was going to post that China's giving a squadron of J10B's to Pakistan.
2011-07-31 14:26:06 Thing From Snowy MountainO club @ da burg broken again. Can't post.
2011-07-31 10:41:04 DaleWe are back in business.
2011-07-31 10:16:57 Thing From Snowy MountainAfter waking at 4, through no fault of my own, I drifted back to sleep around 7. Just woke up again.
2011-07-31 10:12:05 DaleIt wasn't me. Sorry Fred, just went down again.
2011-07-31 02:14:54 FredI think everything is all back up now. Last few comments in the O Club come before remarks since the 26th, but other than that it looks serviceable, at least until tomorrow.
2011-07-31 01:17:52 tu3031Cookie is reset. Going to Poster.
2011-07-31 00:44:53 badanovWe will be battling spam manually in the o-club until this afternoon when the routines get automated.
2011-07-31 00:13:34 trailing wifeSleep well, dear Snowy Thing.
2011-07-31 00:13:21 tu3031Looks like your last comment recorded was at 11:17 on 7/26.
2011-07-31 00:07:46 SherryEditor is giving me 7-17 and no way to change
2011-07-31 00:07:38 Thing From Snowy MountainI think I'm gonna go to bed for now. G'night, see y'all in the morning.
2011-07-31 00:02:17 SherryJust checking in --- got a couple of "Project Gunwalker" interviews --- to post that might be of interest... Issa has scheduled two more hearing before the end of the year.
2011-07-30 23:57:14 Thing From Snowy MountainAnyway, wanted Pappy's opinion on the new frigate design floating around (that I can't really seem to link to here).
2011-07-30 23:53:17 Thing From Snowy MountainI am hoping I didn't miss anything while I was gone this afternoon. (Testing to see if leaving out the link lets this post).
2011-07-30 23:34:52 tu3031I'm sorry. You mean Saturday's. I just looked at the clock. Duh..
2011-07-30 23:31:33 tu3031I think that's cuz they haven't been published yet.
2011-07-30 23:27:44 Steve WhiteEditor shows that we have today's articles but the counts are wrong and there are no comments.
2011-07-30 23:19:02 tu3031Archives is working.
2011-07-30 23:18:13 PappySame here. Nothing to post anyway.
2011-07-30 23:17:26 tu3031I'll be here for awhile.
2011-07-30 23:16:13 badanovI gotta be at work at 0500 tomorrow, so I won't be much help.
2011-07-30 23:14:48 badanovNo biggie. Just the way the transition is taking place.
2011-07-30 23:11:59 tu3031You have comments and counts from 7/26 back. Nothing from 7/27 forward.
2011-07-30 23:10:02 badanovNot at all.
2011-07-30 23:07:14 tu3031You have content from Friday back, but no comments or view counts. Am I being a pain in the ass?
2011-07-30 23:02:12 trailing wifeThank you, badanov. Hi, guys! Poster is now up, but when I tried to post an article, it got hung up. Fred is apparently transferring over to Helen, the lovely new server. The O Club is still working.
2011-07-30 23:01:04 Thing From Snowy MountainNow I have it bookmarked on the mac.
2011-07-30 23:00:51 Thing From Snowy MountainAH, Here it is. I was having trouble finding the url for this place, kept looking at rkka.
2011-07-30 22:53:19 tu3031All the "yellow box" stuff is there, Sinktrap, Classics, etc.
2011-07-30 22:32:09 tu3031O club gives you the "It works!" page.
2011-07-30 22:31:18 tu3031Poster sends me to Roadside, which it should because I have to reset my cookie. So that's probably working.
2011-07-30 22:29:13 Steve WhiteBasic Burg main page is up but no articles. Poster and Editor are not up yet.
2011-07-30 22:26:46 tu3031That was me.
2011-07-30 22:26:29 VisitorLooks like you're up.
2011-07-30 21:13:17 badanovI'm currently watching Bart Got a Room
2011-07-30 20:47:54 DaleLooks like things will be back soon. Badanov I'm glad you kept this site.
2011-07-30 20:38:49 badanovHe does have the web server set up
2011-07-30 20:38:42 tu3031Okay. Back later...
2011-07-30 20:37:38 tu3031This what I see at the page: It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet. So I guess it's doing what it's supposed to be doing?
2011-07-30 20:37:16 badanovFred doesn't have the user accounts set up yet.
2011-07-30 20:32:17 tu3031Hello hello...
2011-07-30 20:17:04 Steve WhiteOkay, I got here. That part works. Thanks Bad.
2011-07-30 20:11:25 badanovHello
2011-07-30 19:01:33 Daleoops not that long.I looked at your 7-27-2001 entry. Gad I even stutter in spelling.
2011-07-30 18:58:56 Daleoops that that long.I looked at your 7-27-2001 entry.
2011-07-30 18:57:14 Dale13 hours. That is a long spell this time.
2011-07-30 18:54:36 DaleHey Deacon same here. Tried to post a video but didn't work.
2011-07-27 16:33:23 Deacon BluesWhere is everyone? I miss Rantburg.
2011-07-27 07:15:33 Deacon BluesI noticed that, too. O Club as well.
2011-07-24 23:27:05 PappyLooketh like the Burg is down again...
2011-07-05 22:48:22 PappyI missed it as well.
2011-07-05 22:34:09 Thing From Snowy MountainI was home sick today, I'm afraid I slept through the outage.
2011-07-05 22:33:09 badanovJust taking a break.
2011-07-05 22:32:41 badanovHowdy
2011-03-27 16:27:59 DaleI haven't had any problem myself but I can see others have. I am not up on some of the Tech stuff but it appears corrected.
2011-03-25 10:40:56 Alaska PaulWe have a DOS attack going on the burg right now? Can't get in, even on the alternate.
2011-03-01 10:23:24 Alaska PaulQuiet here. Good. That means the Burg is working.....
2011-02-13 19:51:11 DaleI'm starting to get claustrophobic. How about a game of scrabble. If we got time to kill that will do it with me playing.
2011-01-08 22:31:35 VisitorAloha! juh
2011-01-06 13:09:26 Deacon BluesSnow yesterday, today, and for the next 5 days. I'll but some more wood in the stove.
2010-12-01 20:59:48 Alaska PaulHey, Deacon. Got the rosebud going over here. Bring the hot dawgs and we will cook some for you, bad, and me.
2010-11-09 10:51:32 Deacon BluesBesides, Dale nobody said you did it. We're just blaming you.
2010-11-08 12:39:49 Deacon BluesThat's what they all say, Dale.
2010-07-25 14:02:55 DaleLook - I tell ya I didn't do it. All I know is he had a tie on and drank the last beer.
2010-06-16 22:58:24 badanovThanks!
2010-06-14 09:32:28 Alaska PaulNice Jukebox, badanov.
2010-06-11 10:24:35 Deacon BluesI gots concrete pouring this weekend. Culvert erosion repair.
2010-06-08 18:18:55 VisitorNice shop, I'm headin to the cooler...
2010-06-08 09:31:52 Alaska PaulNice to be back
2010-06-08 09:10:49 Visitorhi
2010-04-27 23:19:00 Visitortest again
2010-04-27 23:17:58 Visitortest
2010-04-26 02:38:30 Alaska Paulhey badanov---the jukebox is great! This is a nice little venue, music, smell of cutting oil, now let me put a couple of Nehi Cola 28 oz bellywashers in the fridge for anyone who wants em.
2010-04-25 18:17:01 Alaska Paulahem, EAT off the floor, figuratively speaking......
2010-04-25 18:16:15 Alaska PaulBadanov---this place is so clean that you can east off the floor! Thanks.
2010-04-21 22:39:21 badanovThe cleanup script runs like a bat outta hell now, too.
2010-04-21 06:20:34 badanovHello. The spam thingy seems to be working ( yeah,right )

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